Chapter 16 (How dare she kiss Stefen)

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"Hey, everything good," Stefen came from behind and put his arm around Jazz's shoulder as if they'd been buddy their whole life. Jazz immediately looked up to see his face searching for anything that she could see in those drowning eyes of his. These past few days Stefen had been very close to her. She'd found him to be a genuine guy. But there were few activities that he did that always left her stunned like this one for instance.

"Stefen, it's so good to see you after so long." The girl whose name was Alison and had seriously a lot of make-up spoke as she moved forward and hugged him. This sudden move took him by surprise so he removed his hand from Jazz shoulder but still didn't hug her back.

Ugg... this feeling of emptiness again. What was so important for him to remove his hands so fast? Jasmine stared on her shoulder where Stefen left his warmth behind.

"Hey Alison, good to see you too." He hugged back.

"Of course," she removed her hands from around Stefen and kissed his cheeks before stepping back.

It took all of them by surprise. Especially Stefen but Jazz... was left frozen.

That freaking sheep. What is she even thinking of? Oh wait; she doesn't have a brain to start with. But how dare she kiss Stefen. The farthest we've done is a handshake and a short hug and this bitch kissed him so casually. Jazz couldn't control her thoughts.

"Excuse me guys. I need to go greet other guests as well," Jack said and left with a straight face.

Jazz saw the red lipstick mark on the flawless Stefen's cheek. For her it looked like a big poop on a white marble floor. But she couldn't react.

The party was going well. Jazz was standing alone watching people interact. Jack was flirting with a brunette; she was short and cute. Alice was catching up with her friends. As her eyeballs were moving watching the activities around her, it stuck to a position and widened as she clenched her fist when she saw the next view. Alison was keeping both her hands around Stefen's neck and was laughing every now and then. Stefen on the other hand was looking least interested in her.

Did she see her own face in the mirror to laugh so much? And is he serious? If he's not interested in her then why is he even with her. Can't he just move away from her and come and stand beside me? I mean stand with anyone but her. Jasmine's inner thoughts spoke.

Jasmine was narrowing her face seeing their closeness level. She kept on watching them when Stefen's eyes met hers. She quickly moved her head in other direction not wanting him to think anything weird.

You're really an idiot Jazz. Why did you have to stare? What if he takes out a negative meaning of it? When will this party be over? I miss my warm, soft bed. She cursed herself and regretted her behavior.

"You want something? A drink maybe?" Stefen spoke as he stood beside her bringing her back to reality.

When did he come here? Wasn't he standing there? Jasmine thought looking at the spot where he was standing with Alison just few minutes ago. She saw that Alison was now standing alone staring at the two. If looks could kill, Jasmine and Stefen would have been six feet under the ground.

"Would you like to have a drink?" Stefen asked.

Jasmine looked back at Stefen. "Yeah sure, a coke would be fine."

"That's it. You'll be okay with soft drink?" Stefen said wanting to reassure Jazz's choice.

Jazz was already in bad mood after watching Alison's behavior towards Stefen. 

"Yeah, I don't drink alcohol." She maintained her calm.

"You what?" Stefen said in disbelief.

"Why is it a crime?" Jazz replied questioning his thoughts. That's when she saw the red lipstick mark that his dearest friend Alison had gifted him. She was more annoyed as she got the flashback of how he got that stain on his face. "You know what Stefen, I'll get the drink myself, thank you and you need not waste your time with me. I don't want anyone cursing me," she said moving her eyeballs to where Alison was, still was standing on the same spot where she and Stefen were before and was constantly glaring towards Jazz.

Stefen looked towards Alison and understood what Jasmine meant. "Listen it's not what you are thinking. We're just friends." He said moving his hands towards Alison then himself.

"You guys are just friends in your eyes Stefen. Whatever, you don't own me any explanation. I get it, she's your friend but you're something else for her. That's totally understandable and simple than any math equation in the world." Understandable my foot. Jazz thought.

Saying that, Jazz moved towards the bar and got herself a drink. It pinched Stefen seeing her leave him standing there. She was taking out a negative meaning of his friendship with Alison.

"She's not someone you should be wasting your time on Stefen." Alison came near Stefen and took a hold of his hand. "Come let's go and sit there."

Alison and Stefen walked away. Jasmine was not feeling any better. She was infuriated. Why? She herself did not have any answer to that.

Ever since I started my internship, Stefen has been nothing but good and caring man.  He is a down to earth person, and I am sure Alison is not his type and will never be his type. But seeing him not speak up for himself and be with a girl like her seriously makes me furious. I don't want anyone to take advantage of Stefen. Jasmine was thinking as she was sipping her drink. She thought she felt that way because she cared for Stefen or was it something else... something more?

"Hi beautiful. Is this seat empty?" A tall man in his mid-twenties came and pointed towards a seat beside Jazz. He had dirty brown hair and brown eyes that matched perfectly with his hair color. He had a glowing tan skin and a normal muscular body. In other words, he was impeccable and hot. 

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