Chapter 19 (Threat and Accident)

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It had been a week after the house-warming party and the days were going by good for all of them. Jack had promised never to leave his jokes, Alice was quiet as always, Stefen had started to open up a lot and would usually help Jack to crack jokes, Jazz on the other hand loved her new company; her friends to be precise.

"He would be arriving any moment," Jazz said as she was waiting for Stefen to come and pick her up.

He arrived right on time. They had started this tradition of going to office and having their breakfast together. They took turns paying for the breakfast.

They reached the company and Jazz waited for him in front of the company building as always waiting for Stefen to park his car and go in together.

As they were about to enter, Stefen got a call.

"Jazz just a minute," he said and took his phone out. He frowned looking at the caller name. He cut the phone and started walking. But only after few steps, the phone rang again. He frowned again.

"Take it, it must be important," Jazz said pointing towards the phone in his hand.

"Yeah, um excuse me." He said and moved a bit away from her. "What is it Kevin? Don't you get that I'm busy and I'm not interested in having any kind of conversation with you."

"Aww good handsome boy is angry huh? But you are right, that girl is worth being busy with. What's her name man? She's damn beautiful oh wait she's damn hot." Kevin said as he emphasized the last word on the other side of the phone.

Stefen clenched his fist after hearing that. She meant more to him than just a mere human being who happened to be working with him. But Keven wasn't someone who could understand that, so arguing with him was meaningless.

"Get to the point Kevin. Why did you call me?" he said maintaining a calm voice not wanting Kevin to know that he was affected by his words. Kevin wasn't a nice guy. He had ways to get what he wanted and if he ever came to know about Stefen's feeling for Jasmine then it wouldn't take him a second thought to use her as a bait.

"I want to talk to you in person. Come to the café across the company building, now." He said in a demanding voice.

"No way Kevin! What makes you think I'll waste my time coming to talk to a bullshit like you? Come back to Earth now and know your real worth."

"Are you sure about that? I can call the girl next time and who knows what might happen? You know me cousin." Stefen heard the teasing laugh from other side of the phone.

Stefen got angrier. He knew that Kevin was somewhere near them so he shouldn't make any move but again he is Kevin. He looked at Jasmine who was standing a bit far from him waiting for him. She smiled as their eyes met. He couldn't let anyone take that smile away from her or even come closer to her.

"Okay I'm coming." Stefen said and hung up the call. He went towards Jasmine and said, "I have to go the café across the road. Someone wants to meet me and it is urgent. You can go ahead."

"Someone?" she asked it slowly and softly raising her eyebrows.

"Don't worry that someone isn't a girl." He said and winked at her.

She tried hiding her blush that was threatening to come out in full form. "I didn't mean that. I was just curious about you know... stuffs." She said as she rotated her hands to explain herself.

"Yeah stuffs huh," he said still looking towards her with a smile on his face that was just their whenever he saw her. "You can go ahead; I'll be there after few minutes."

"Few minutes?"


"Then I'll wait for you. We are early today and Alice is yet to arrive... and I can't handle Jack alone." Jasmine questioned herself whether that was truly the reason. 

He laughed hearing that. She hadn't realized it but she'd started to love his laughter; carefree and innocent that held no boundaries. 

"Okay, I'll be back soon." He replied as he patted her cheek. Shivers ran through her body. His touch would give her a satisfying electric shock. Jack used to hug her whenever she agreed to his weird ideas but she never felt anything about it but just a touch from Stefen would take her to a different level.

He turned around showing his back to Jasmine and the smile faded away. 

What did Kevin want to talk about all of a sudden? I made sure to threaten him well the last time we spoke. And all these days he had been silent. I thought he accepted his defeat. But again who am I kidding he's Kevin. He isn't someone who would raise their hands in surrender. I guess I'll just have to figure things out.

Kevin was not someone whose moves could be predicted. Stefen and Kevin were in good terms when they were young. Kevin was only few years elder than Stefen. He was definitely not the best elder cousin in the world but yes, he was far better than the Kevin he was now.
Stefen was deep in his own thoughts as he was crossing the road.

"STEFEN...," he heard a girl's voice shouting very loudly behind him. Before he could turn around and see who it was he was pushed with a very high force. He fell a few meters away from where he was standing as he heard a very loud bang. The sound was as if something big had hit a body. 

Although, it wasn't him who had been hit but still he felt pain in his body as he was pushed to the ground with a heavy force. He slowly stood up and moved to see what had actually happened. There were many people gathering around where he was standing before he was pushed and a black car drove off at a very high pace. Bearing all the pain in his body he stood up and made his way through the crowd.

His eyes went wide open in shock and fear as he saw a lying body on the road covered in blood. It was Jasmine's.

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