Chapter 1 (First Meet)

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(Author's Note before you read ahead: Love doesn't always need to be forced, it just should just be real and that is all that matters and that is what I want to show via this novel. I hope you will enjoy reading my work.... Happy Reading. )

The sun was showering when she first saw him. Wearing a red t-shirt, black pants, a black jacket and the way he carried his shoes instead of wearing them, he grabbed all her attention. Looking at him, she discovered her ideal type; tall, pale ivory, slightly built, blue eyes, thin lips and a dashing attitude. Every drop of rain that touched him, made him more captivating. Butterflies jumped inside her stomach. And till the time she could collect some more awkward words in her head, he was gone.

"It's okay Jazz," she consoled herself. That was the best she could say. Her two seconds crush of the day was gone. First day as an intern and she had no wish to be late. So, as a good to be employee, she went home to get ready.

Century Multinational Company, one of the biggest companies in the country and she was their new intern. The company had recently shifted its location, so everything was new and in good state. It was a 75 storey building. The window glasses were sparkling like it had just been finely cleaned. It was like a huge glass tower, a skyscraper to be precise and it definitely stood out.

Neatly dressed, light make up and a pair of stiletto, Jasmine Reyes was ready to fight the day.

She reached her new work place right on time, 15 minutes early. As she was walking, she saw the lift doors being shut. She ran but no luck. She could clearly see how her day was going. She noticed someone else beside her; he too had missed the lift.

"I think we should take the stairs today", a deep male voice spoke. He said it looking here and there.

"Yeah, I guess that is the only option we have", she replied turning her head in disappointment towards him.

"Holy Spirit, it's him... the drenched guy from this morning." 

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?" his voice knocked her back to reality.

Omg, I said that out loud, she thought.

"Nnnoooothing", she stammered.

No... this can't be happening to me. Why didn't I put on a red lipstick today? Are my hairs okay? Am I looking good today? I hope this dress doesn't make me look like a grandma, all these thoughts surrounded her head.

"Let's take the stairs", he said pointing towards the clean white marble stairs.

"I am ready to take poison for you, forget about the stairs".

"Pardon me".

Jazz what's wrong with you. Come back to Earth now. She cursed herself this time in her head, not saying out loud.

"Nothing, let's go."

There was an awkward silence flowing in the air. They were walking side by side but no one spoke. The walk was boring but a happy one as well, at least for Jasmine.

This is a dream. This must be a dream. I want to hear his voice again. Okay Jazz just try.

"My name is Jasmine Reyes, but my friends call me Jazz." she spoke though it was more like a whisper.

"Jazz huh... I feel like I've heard this nickname before. My name is Stefen, Stefen Wills".

'Stefen Wills. Jasmine Wills. Perfect.'

"So, you work here?" he asked.

"Not until today. I am a new intern here", she replied looking at his alluring jawlines. "What about you?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"I'm also an intern here. I started a week ago. I guess we'll be colleagues now", he replied with a smile.

God... His smile was the only thing left to kill her heart.

"Which department are you in", he asked.

"Accounts", she replied. "And you?"

Please say Accounts, please. Jasmine was praying.

"Management", he replied and with that reply her dreams shattered.

"Right now I am working in the IT department. We do rotations after every three months. I guess I'll be in accounts department very soon", he said with the brightest smile one could have.

Those words were music to her ears. She wished his guess would come true very fast.

They talked about many other things on their way, when finally Stefen stopped walking and so did Jasmine.

"Here we are. Straight and left is your accounts department and straight and right is the IT department. But I guess first you'd like to visit the manager. So the room behind you is her office. I'll see you at lunch. Have a good first day at work Jazz", he left saying those words not waiting for her reply.

Their very short conversation covered a very long distance. She didn't even realize when they had climbed so many stairs and her heels were killing her.

'Anyway, at least we'll still be in the same building.' She whispered to herself.

She turned around and sighed before knocking on the manager's office door. She received the acceptance words from inside and she opened the door. The manager was a lady who seemed to be around 35 years old: tall, a bit tan, a healthy body and brown eyes. She seemed to be a preserved kind of person.

"Good morning Ma'am. I'm a new intern here, Jasmine Reyes," she said confidently with a bright smile.

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