Chapter 15 (The tingling sensation)

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Jasmine took some cottons and started rubbing off the eye shadows lightly making sure not to rub it off completely. She then took a tissue paper and pressed it on Alice's lips to lighten the shine.

"Okay this seems... better, see," Jasmine said to Alice pointing towards the mirror in front.

"Thank you Jazz, even I feel better," she smiled and pressed Jazz's hand lightly thanking her.

"No make-up would have also done the work you know. Or did you want to impress anyone?" Jasmine said in a teasing tone.

"Huh?" Alice was taken back by the question. "No," she replied, more like stated.

Jasmine felt like she might have crossed the limit. "Okay we got to go now, Stefen must be on his way here," she brought up another subject.

They both stood on the spot where Jasmine always stood for Stefen to come and pick her up every morning.

After few minutes Stefen arrived and opened the door for the ladies. Jasmine sat on the passenger's side as always and Alice sat on the back seat.

Stefen was wearing a loose white t-shirt, black pants and a black outer that suited his perfect biceps making it hard for Jasmine to look anywhere but there. He was looking extremely handsome. He did look handsome in his usual shirt and well ironed pants that were his office uniform but today he was looking hard to resist. As they were on their way to Jack's, Jasmine stole glances of Stefen whenever she could.

Isn't this guy just perfect? Look at those deep blue eyes and those perfectly pointed nose and those juicy lips. Wait what? Jasmine stopped her thoughts. Jazz when did you become like this? Come back to Earth now. She shook her head from left to right and vice versa trying to drive her mind away form those thoughts..

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Stefen spoke as he saw her move her head all of a sudden.

"Oh no, I was just trying to remove this strand of hair." Jasmine immediately replied with whatever popped out of her brain and gave a weak smile.

"That's not a problem." He lifted his hand near Jasmine's face holding the strand of hair she was complaining about and rested it behind her ear and swiftly diverted his attention back on the road as if that was his daily business.

This tingling sensation again. What's wrong with you Jazz? Why is his touch affecting you so much? You've never felt this way before. Jasmine went back to her thought zone.

Alice however chose to remain silent the whole way. Her heart did ache witnessing the movements around her, but she was in no position to question it or even speak few sentences out.

They reached after a good 35 minutes ride. Jack's apartment was huge for a single person to live in. His dad was also a successful businessman and a very dear friend of Mr. William Wills. Hence, the friendship between fathers was what made Jack and Stefen's  friendship possible. Jack was a rich kiddo after all clearing all the doubts of how he could afford such expensive apartment without any room- mates. His apartment appeared to be clean and well managed.

He studying management was a good thing at least in this case. Jasmine murmured.

"Hello beauties and one pig wearing a white t-shirt," Jack said with a smile as he approached them for a hug and Stefen ignored his comment as usual hugging him back.

Seriously Jack, Pig? You've got to have your eyes checked once you're done with your mental issues. Jasmine's inner thoughts were ready to murder Jack.

"Hey Jack, you look..." Jasmine looked Jack from up and down noting his looks "...a lot better than Stefen, but why is it taking so long for you to evolve into a human-being?" Jazz replied giving the same smile that Jack had when he commented on Stefen's look. Stefen and Alice burst into a huge laughter as they were enjoying the scene.

"Hmm, Stefen's got a person to protect him." Jack raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm not protecting him; I'm blurting out the truth that you're having difficulty in handling."

"Yeah right, I'll remember this insult Jazz," he said faking anger in his voice. "Anyway come I'll introduce you to some of our high- school and uni friends. Alice and Stefen are already familiar with them."

"Let's go then."

Jack started the introduction section. Jasmine didn't think there would be so many people invited in this fake party of his. But to her surprise, the party was huge than it should've been. Delicious food, a bar in one corner and lots of good-looking girls and boys.

I've got to admit one thing; wherever Jack, Alice and Stefen studied they had a lot of good-looking guys there. Jasmine thought as she looked around. But another fact to be noted, no one was better than Stefen.

There was something about the way Stefen carried himself that made him stand out. Jazz couldn't help but steal glances of Stefen every now and then. 

"And they were the queen-bee of our batch, she is Emily, she is Brianne, she is Shaina and this is Alison" Jack said as he brought Jazz to meet a group of girls who looked more like they were in rush and forgot to put on the remaining of their cloths.

"Were? Jack seriously, we are always going to be the queen," a girl who was a bit more beautiful or let's say had a bit more make up than the rest of them spoke in a flirtatious way, believing her fake accent was unnoticed. Jazz rolled her eyes in her head. 

Where did you buy that accent from girl?.. The Fish market? Jasmine imitated Alison's accent in her head and laughed thinking of her own thoughts. There was someone who had a more amount of self-obsession than she did.

"And ladies she is Jasmine, she is also an intern in the company..."

"Hi girls," Jazz said forcing a smile and greeted them all at once since she had already forgotten which name was whose.

"Hey Jasmine, are you going shopping?" the blonde who had the wittiest smile and of course her accent that she bought for $2 from the fist market spoke pointing at Jazz's dress and her soldiers laughed behind her.

"I don't know about shopping but I'm definitely not going to a beach," Jazz instantly replied as she moved her eyes up and down pointing towards their dress.

"You bi..."

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