Pharaoh- Test

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Audino Agatha woke up and groaned. It was a school day, and she was actually going this time. There was a test today, but she forgot which class it was for. Her first guess was history, but it could also be language arts.

Regardless of what it was, she rolled out of her blankets and landed with a thump on the floor. She heard Claire leave a few minutes ago, so she had to head out soon. She put on the prosthetic feet, then covered them with the pink and black striped socks. Her gold earring was still on the strand of her ear, so all that was left to put on was the white shirt and black leather jacket. After adding her backpack on top, she was all ready to go.

Unlike other times, Agatha brought a few tools to work on some prosthetic upgrades she could implement later. It was better than being bored all day, and she wanted to figure out a way to adjust the balance. After Abigail showed her some basics, she knew that she'd have to make some changes. The doctors probably never made her the prosthetics with battling in mind. She'd have to make plans and visit some shops later.


The brisk air couldn't get through Agatha's black jacket, and it only grew warmer as the sun finished rising. After a minute or two, her bag started to hurt her left shoulder, so she held it over just her right shoulder instead of both.

On the winding path up to the school building, a small group of pokemon walked ahead of her. She loitered behind them to stop them from seeing her, slowing her pace to a crawl. Probably a minute or so after they entered the glass double doors inside, Agatha entered.

Unlike other days when she came in early, the hallways swarmed with people on the way to class. Agatha missed the distance her fake glasses gave her from it all. Now, she had to stare at the cream, tiled floor covered in a layer of brown, speckled dust to dodge grazing eye contact with strangers. She wished she got in early again.

Agatha came in the classroom along with the teacher, Mr. Rivers. The Flygon floated down the hallway, going through the door seconds before she did. She easily could have imagined the quick glance he gave her, but she doubted it. She couldn't quite read what the look was about, though. He thinned his eyes and blinked a bit more than usual just before turning through the door.

Inside, most seats were filled. Audino Agatha turned her head up to eye her seat in the back. For whatever reason, half of the faces in the room eyed her back. She kept her eyes glued on the seat as she made her way through the row of cushions.

"Is that goth?"

"No, that's not goth. Dude..."

"Who's the new girl?"

"New? Guys, she's been here."

Agatha's ears started to pick up more and more sound lately. It got annoying if she didn't cut out a bunch of noise, but she didn't plan to cut anything out in school. She reached the cushion in the back corner of the classroom just as Mr. Rivers started to talk.

"Alright, class. Now, I know I usually lead off with Language Arts and then History, but how many of you just want to get the history test done first?"

Most of the class gave different yes answers. Agatha didn't care either way. He ended up floating over different pokemon and passing them the tests along with small wooden boards to write on. He reached Agatha last.

She hadn't really taken a test in a classroom before, so it might not go well. Agatha gave herself tunnel vision on the two pieces of white paper stapled together.

Most of the class so far had been history on Valor, Verity, and Acuity. The very first question was about which of the Sacred Treasures belonged to the three nations. Agatha knew it was Courtain and wrote it down.

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