19 - Dancing With Myself

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"Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay?" I looked up to see Vanya running toward us.

"Do you mean physically or emotionally?" Klaus asked, still laying on the floor.

"You're alive." Diego said.

"Did we save the world?" Klaus asked, finally sitting up.

"I think so... the building is still here." Allison said.

"That's good, considering we're inside." I muttered and I grabbed the desk behind me and struggled to my feet.

"Malia, your head." Vanya said quietly.

The others turned to me and Diego got to his feet in a flash and cupped my cheeks with both hands to get a better look. He tried to touch it but I flinched away. It was tender.

"I'm fine. I swear." I said, resting my hands on his wrists when he didn't let go of my waist, "You have something to do right now anyway don't you?" I finished softly.

Diego looked at his watch, "Kennedy is a few minutes away... but I thought you said it was stupid."

"Doesn't mean it's not important to you... so go."

Diego kissed my cheek and then took off down the hall and around the corner. I heard a door open and then close and then leaned my back against the desk behind me. I closed my eyes at the pounding in my head. I needed him to leave so he wouldn't continue to worry over me but I'm pretty sure I'm concussed.

"Why did you let him go? He can't change the timeline!" Allison asked.

I put my hand on hers to keep her from running after him, "The Commission won't let him change the timeline. Kennedy will die because that is what is supposed to happen. At least, that is the way that Herb explained it."

"Then why did you let him go?" Klaus asked.

"Because his concern was making my headache worse." I said, "Can we go now?"

I was a little woozy so Allison and Vanya helped me to the back stairs. There was no way we could go out the front entrance, the agents on the floors below were still alive and likely none the wiser about what actually went on up here. Once they do find out, they'll look at the security footage and well... let's just say it's best if we get out of here ASAP.

"Hold on... is that an engagement ring?" Allison asked as she stared at the hand of the arm she held.

"Oh right... with everything going on, I didn't get a chance to show you guys." I said and held up my hand for Vanya and Klaus to see as well, "Diego let me pick it out two days ago before our dinner with Mr. Hargreeves."

"I'm so happy for you Malia." Vanya said with a small smile.

I returned it, "Thank you."

"When's the wedding?" Klaus asked.

"Uh... I guess since we stopped Dooms Day from happening in three days, the date is supposed to be four days from now. That was the deal but... I'm not getting married when I look like roadkill." I motioned to my physical appearance.

"Ben is going to be so stoked to actually be at one our weddings for once." Klaus giggled and then looked around, "Weird that I haven't seen him for a bit."

Vanya put her hand on Klaus' shoulder, "Klaus... there is something you should know."

As we made our way back to Morty's, Vanya told us that it was Ben that saved her from kick-starting the impending nuclear storm. She told us that he found her in the deep recesses of her mind and in doing so, it did something strange to his spirit. Ben wasn't coming back, not even to Klaus and it killed him inside.

The Nightmare  (DiegoXOC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz