16 - Twistin' The Night Away

Start from the beginning

"No bro, he shanked your heart."

"That sounded really lame." I said huskily with a small wheezy laugh.

Elliott came into the kitchen but I didn't turn to look at him, "Is that my bathrobe?"

I noticed what Luther was wearing and grinned. It WAS Elliott's bathrobe. On Luther, it looked like a sweater. It was obvious but Luther still denied it.

"Guys, it doesn't matter who he shanked. He knows something about time travel." Five said and got up to get some coffee, "Malia, did you want any?"

I glanced over my shoulder, "Yes please."

"Umm... Wait... why don't you just do your thing and time travel this out?" Elliott asked.

"Anyone else care to explain?" Five asked, handing me a cup.

"The first time he did it, he ended up in the apocalypse." Luther said.

"The second time, he ended up without hair on his balls." Diego said.

"The last time I tried, I scattered my family across three years in Dallas Texas, possibly triggering a Dooms Day."

"Guys, you're all missing the bigger picture here." Diego said, "Dad is the ring-leader of a sinister plot to kill the president."

"Ignore him." Five said, "There is only one thing we need to focus on right now."

"And what's that?" I asked sleepily. Diego was rubbing my hip and it was soothing, tempting me back to sleep.

"We need to get the Umbrella Academy back together."

"Hell yeah, family meeting." Diego said.

"Fine but can one of you three get Allison please?" Luther asked, stuffing his face with more egg.

"You two still a thing?" Diego asked and then leaned his chin on my shoulder, "Do I need to talk?"

"She's married." Luther said.

I sat up straighter, "I missed her wedding AGAIN?"

"Dude, that's rough." Diego said to Luther.

"I can handle it."

"I'll get her." Five said, "But can you get Vanya without squeezing her to death?"

Luther rolled his eyes, "I can try."

Five blinked away as Elliott tried to talk to him but turned to us instead, "What should I do?"

"Prepare for company."

I stood up and stretched, "You're going to need lots of food... and probably booze. I'll go grocery shopping."

"Maybe you should rest a little more." Diego said, trying to stop me.

"I'm not going to sit around and do nothing. I was strangled a little, not disabled."

"You were strangled...a little? Have you seen your neck?" Luther asked.

"What do you mean?"

"He means it's purple." Diego said.

I went into the bathroom to examine it and sure enough, there were deep purple ligature marks around my neck. I couldn't go out looking like this, it would gain too much attention, raise too many questions. Even my turtle neck didn't cover it completely and there was no way in hell I was going to wear a scarf. Nothing will ever be wrapped around my neck again. Instead, I gave Elliott the money to get all the groceries that he wanted – instructing him that I would stab him in the thigh if he got anything weird – and went to lay down. Diego came in to lay with me when Luther left to get Vanya.

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