10 - All Die Young

Start from the beginning

Five and I looked at him and then each other, "Wait, I think I WILL have a margarita actually."

I came around the bar, got a glass and poured myself the slushie drink. I added a pink swirly straw, a cocktail umbrella, and hummed in appreciation as I took a sip. I motioned with my hand for the conversation to continue.

Five rolled his eyes at me and then turned to Hazel, "Volunteer for what?"

"To help stop the apocalypse. What else?" He said, brushing glass off his shoulders.

Five chuckled and I let out a giggle, taking another sip. Five does make a good margarita but it was strong. I really should pace myself because alcohol does tend to hit me fast but then again, there is nothing I need to be focused for anymore.

"What on earth could you two find so amusing?" Hazel asked.

"Before I tell you, why would you want to help us?" Five asked.

"Let's just say I have a vested interest in a donut shop." Hazel said.

"Wait! Do you have a thing for Agnes?" I asked, my facial expression now of complete shock.

"You know Agnes?" Hazel asked.

I nodded, "Not well but Agnes has worked there for as long as I can remember. We used to sneak out of the house to stuff ourselves with Griddy's pastries on the regular. She's a sweet lady." I then looked him up and down with a frown, "Are you good to her?"

"Why would you ask that?" He seemed offended.

I raised a brow, "You threw me into a wall and may or may not have been the one to shoot me in the arm."

"Fair enough." Hazel held up his hands, "Yes I treat her well. Now can I help stop the end up the world?"

"I hate to break it to you but you're a day late and a dollar short." Five said, "The fact that you're here right now tells me that the apocalypse is, indeed, over."

"Really? How do you know?"

Five took a sip from his margarita before answering, "The mark, is dead. Found him this morning. You were the last known unknown left in the equation."

Hazel smiled, "Shit! Really?"

I took a long sip from my margarita as Five said words of jubilation and Hazel came to sit beside him at the bar, across from me. He was elated as he picked up the blender and took a big swig of the left-over margarita mix.

"Do you want a glass?" I asked, eyeing him drink from it.

"No, I'm good." He put the blender back, "So now what?" Hazel asked.

"To be honest, I don't know." Five replied, "I've been chasing this thing for so long, I never really thought about the day after."

"I'd like for all of us to stay in touch and actually BE a family again. If that's alright?" I said quietly, swirling my straw around my green drink.

"I'd like that too." Five said, then turned to the tall bearded man, "And you?"

"I'm done with all this madness. It's time to start over."

"That's easier said than done." Five murmured, sipping his drink.

"It doesn't have to be hard. Think about it like this. If you never time travelled, never got caught up with The Handler, what would have happened?"

Five looked at me and then back at Diego, "I guess I would have grown up to be an emotionally stunted man-child like everyone else around here."

"I resent that." I frowned.

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