Chapter 21- Arrogant jerk

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Ida's POV

"I am so sorry! It's just that; I saw the way you look at each other. I was wrong to assume anything. I am so sorry." Sofia apologized.

"It's okay, Sofia, we're cool." She was so nervous the whole time.

"Thank you so much."

"By the way... how do we look at each other?" I bite my lip. 

Soifa smirks, "what? Can't a girl be curious these days?"

"Are you planning to ask him out?" 

Ask him out? I ask him out... to be honest I never thought about that...

"Times have changed Ida," Sofia interrupts my deep thoughts, "keep my advice. I am rooting for ya."

After giving a last look to the cruise, we went through security and then parted ways from Sofia and Ryan.

"Keep in touch." Ryan shook hands with a hungover Ethan.

A black car soon pulled over in front of Ethan and me. Without exchanging any words with the driver, Ethan opens the back-seat door for me. I fully trust Ethan, even when we were practically getting ourselves kidnapped. So, I get in.

I put on the seatbelt for being extra safe as a muscled man with tattoos on his arms and near his neck looked at my every move through the rear-view mirror.

I gulped the lump of saliva that had gathered in my mouth. And I have to admit I am nervous.

The man's intense gaze was so fixated on me; it made me feel uneasy.

Ethan walked around and sat in the front seat, next to the man.

"Hey, lad!" The man with a stern tone patted Ethan's back.

"Dude, go easy on me. I'm having a hungover." Ethan groaned while I winced, thinking of how hard that pat on the back must have been.

The man passed Ethan some pills for his hungover. I shot daggers at Ethan to not take them. THEY COULD BE DRUGGED!

But Ethan paid no attention to me and gulped down the med like cotton candy.

Oh lord, save us from harm.

The drive went by silently, and every few minutes, the man would stare curiously at me. Like he just found a new fish in the pond.

Trying my best to ignore him, I look outside the window. Holy moly! Ethan was so right about it- not being a town.
'Cuz shit. It's a city.

I looked in awe at the light illuminating from different shops and malls and lights and even people. Everyone was so energetic and bright, early in the morning.

But this view did not remain for long, as the number of people became lesser and lesser and lesser. The bright side was turning rough and patchy.

Tiny bars started to make way. At the same time, people that looked happy and charismatic had turned into gloom.

It's true-
As you think, you feel.
As you feel, you radiate.
As you radiate,
You create.


And these people were not radiating anything like- hey let's be friends. Quite the opposite, actually.

I glanced over at Ethan, who was snoring peacefully.

"huh?" I am utterly shocked at how off-guard he was. So vulnerable.


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