Chapter 74

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It was the middle of the night and shiro climbs over Kyoya which woke him up and he sees shiro getting into bed beside you and hugging you

Kyoya sits up and turns on the bedside light

"Shiro what are you doing it's late?"

"I wanna be with mommy."

Kyoya picked shiro up and started to carry her back to bed which she started crying and kicking which woke you up and you walk into shiro room

"Kyoya what's going on?"

"Shiro climbed into bed with us again to get to you she climbed over my face which woke me up." Kyoya says and Kyoya tucked shiro into bed who was crying

You walk over and kiss her forehead

"Your safe shiro but you gotta start sleeping in your own bed ok? Sleeping with mommy and daddy is only for nightmares not because you woke up in the middle of the night." You say and shiro hugs you tightly not wanting you to go and Kyoya then takes you away from shiro and tucks her into bed again

"Night shiro we love you."

"But I wanna sleep with mommy please don't leave me mommy the monster under my bed is gonna watch me again." Shiro says and Kyoya then looked under shiros bed to show her everything was fine but he saw something that was off and picked up shiro and told her that she can sleep with you both tonight

You looked at Kyoya like what did you see tell me now

"I'll tell you once she falls back to sleep." Kyoya whispers and you nod

You and held shiro in your arms as she was holding onto you tightly as she was asleep

"Kyoya what did you see?"

"It just looked off ok like why was their dirt under shiros bed?"

"She wears her dirty shoes in the house all the time you and her play hide and seek and she loves to hide under her bed."

"Better safe then sorry and she'll just climb back into bed with us anyways we can't stop it."

Kaito then started crying on the baby monitor so you got up and went to see what he needed

Shiro hugs Kyoya as she was asleep

*Shiro can barely sleep in her bedroom anymore one night y/n had to sleep in shiros room because she was too scared to sleep in her bed we really need to figure out what's making her too scared to sleep in her bedroom. And I know I might have overreacted about the dirt under her bed but I'm way to overprotective of shiro and kaito*

His mistress Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora