Chapter 1

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You were cleaning the library when someone came up behind you and put their hands on the hips and kissed your neck and you stop shocked and look and see Kyoya

"Miss me." He whispers in your ear

"Sir I need to work."

"Oh, so I leave for a month on business and your back to calling me Sir when we're alone."

"I am busy and someone might walk in." You say and Kyoya sounded annoyed as he stopped and moved away crossing his arms

"I missed you." He says and really kyoyas more loving to you then his wife, and truth is you do have feelings for Kyoya but he's married and that hookup with him you thought was gonna be a one-time thing, but it happened three more times when his wife was out of the country, Kyoya is also so comfortable lying to her but now it's a few years later and you and Kyoya still haven't broken it off.


"Don't say a word I can tell by your eyes that you missed me your so easy to read," Kyoya says and he looked like he wanted you here and now but you go back to cleaning

Kyoya was confused why you were acting like that since you never have but sat down on the couch deciding to let you complete your work in this room

"You do know beautiful she's not here she's going to be gone for the next few days but who really cares."

"If you don't love her why did you even marry her sir?" You ask as you finish straightening up the library

Kyoya doesn't reply he looked like he was pretending not to be listening to you that's the first for him

You just shrug and go back to work

*I know this is wrong but somehow it feels right at the same time*

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