Chapter 64

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When you got home Kyoya noticed how sad you looked and hugged you

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"The whole time my mom called me a slut and a whore I never wanna see her again."

"Ok babe she doesn't have to be in your life if you don't want her too."

"She was also rude to shiro that's why I'm now cutting her off she cant even be nice to shiro or kaito."

"She's definitely not invited to the wedding."

"Oh yeah I've un invited her already I've told her not to come to the wedding."

"Good but can I see your wedding dress." Kyoya asks and you shake your head


"Fine so tomorrow your going bridesmaids dress shopping I wish I could go but you see this thing came up."

"I wasn't gonna ask you to go if you thought that."

"Oh thank god." Kyoya says and you chuckle and kiss him

"Yeah well now I need to remove my mom from everything."

"No I can do it don't worry I'm working from home today so I'll do it you don't need to worry about it." Kyoya says not wanting to stress you out and you nod

"Ok well I guess I'll uh I need something to do."

"You do enough take a nap and I swear if I find you stress cleaning again I swear I'll tie you up to make sure  you sleep." Kyoya says and you nod

"I'll try Kyoya but if our room is a mess I'm cleaning it before i go to sleep."

"Nope it won't be I cleaned it." Kyoya says and you looked at him shocked


"Yeah and I know your standard for clean so it's your way." Kyoya says and you run upstairs in the bed room and gasp it was clean and Kyoya did it perfectly

*Wow I didn't know Kyoya was good at cleaning who knew*

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