Chapter 60

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|A few months later|

Shiro has been taking about wanting to go to Disney world for months since she found out about it from pre school she wouldn't stop talking about it

"Shiro why do you wanna go to Disney?" You ask as you were feeding kaito

"I love Disney princesses daddy watches a whole bunch with me months ago as mommy was sleeping and watching kaito." Shiro says and you nod

"Ah I see well maybe one day Shiro ok? Don't get your hopes up that daddy will be able to have time off so we can go." You say and shiro nods

"I know mommy!"

Suddenly their was a knock on the door and shiro started to cry thinking it was her birth parents so you gave her a very important task to get her mind off of it

"Take kaito upstairs to the nursery shiro and read to him this is very important ok?" You say and shiro nods and it was important so shiro can learn how to read out loud better and read the baby books which is the only type of books she can read

You then open the door once shiro was upstairs and get tackled to the ground

"So glad I'm not pregnant when that happened." You say as then you notice your best friend from Canada and smile

"Hi!" She says and you sigh as you sit up

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting family and well  then heard from one of your hot brothers you live here with your fiancé and two children!" She says angry now because she didn't know

"Oh uh hey look I've been busy I got pregnant and well me and Kyoya have been trying to help shiro get better and stuff so me telling people isn't my main priority."

"You always tell me." Your best friend says and you sigh as Kyoya walks in very confused

"What's going on?"

"My best friend is angry that I didn't tell her I'm engaged and I have two kids nothing big." You say as your friend glares at you

"Nothing big! Girl what it is big I have to be there when you get married because I'm so being your maid of honour!"

"What if I don't want you to be."


"I can because I pick."

"How dare you defy me."

"Ok mom." You say and Kyoya looks at you and you point towards the nursery and he nods and walks off

"Wow you both can talk without saying a word so cute."

"I guess? I just know he likes to see kaito and shiro as soon as he gets home from work."

"So cute I wanna meet them now!"

"Ok girl calm down."

You then walk to the nursery and walk in to see Kyoya sitting beside shiro holding kaito as shiro tries her best to read

"The fox was very c-cute!" Shiro says and then looks at Kyoya and he nods

"Yup you said it correctly." Kyoya says and your friend awwwes

Kyoya then looks up

"Hey mommy." Kyoya says as shiro looks up and smiles at you

"Mommy come read with me." Shiro says and you pick her up and put her on your lap as your friend listens in


Once your friend left you talked to Kyoya about shiro wanting to go to Disney."

"Y/n the only time I can get off work is for our wedding and honey moon I'm sorry but I can't this year it was hard enough to get off work for kaito when he was born." Kyoya says and you nod

"I know Kyoya." You say and Kyoya kisses you as he holds you in his arms

*I wish I could spend more time with my family but right now me and y/n getting married is one of the important things we need to do, maybe next year we can take shiro to Disney world*

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