Chapter 58

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Today shiro wanted you to do her makeup so you did it and then she ran to Kyoya who was with kaito

"Daddy! Do you notice anything different about me." Shiro asks with her arms behind her back as she smiles and Kyoya looks over and looked shocked

"Shiro?" Kyoya asks and shiro nods

"Who else would it be dada? Mommy did my makeup." Shiro says as you walk downstairs and Kyoya laughs

"You look very pretty Shiro."

"Thank you daddy."

Kyoya leans over to you

"Makeup really does change how people look don't they she's 4 and she looks 20." Kyoya says and you laugh

"Yeah but she wanted me to do her makeup so I did."

"Damm you're good at that." Kyoya says and you kiss his cheek then you check the baby schedule to see when you need to feed kaito again

Shiro was skipping around

"You know each time I look over at shiro I'm like wait who's that oh right that's shiro." Kyoya says and you laugh

"She wanted me to do her makeup like I do mine so I did."

"Why couldn't you have just put lipstick and eyeshadow on her." Kyoya says and you looked at him shocked

"Wow you know makeup terms I'm shocked you know them."

"Only because of my sister and make up bills from faith I had to pay." Kyoya says and you laugh

"Wow." You say and Kyoya sighs as you then took kaito from him

"Let me guess nap time for kaito and sleepy mommy." Kyoya says and you nod

"Yeah but first I need to feed him now then nap time but he usually falls asleep when I'm feeding him." You say as you walk upstairs and shiro jumps on kyoyas back when he tired to get up

"Oh shiro you want a piggy back ride." Kyoya says and shiro nods happily

"Yes dada!" Shiro says as she smiles happily

Kyoya then gives shiro a piggy back ride to her room and then puts her down on her bed

"Dada I have a very important question!" Shiro asks and Kyoya looks at shiro


"How did you meet momma?" Shiro asks and Kyoya smiles

"Oh well that's one long story you sure you wanna hear it?"

"Yes please."

"Ok well sit down and I'll tell you."

(Yeah well the next chapter is gonna be how you and Kyoya met and fell in love because why not?)

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