Chapter 84

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Nathan came over and apparently you were out so Kyoya hanged out with him and talked with him and Kyoya was drinking a bit but then Nathan accidentally calls him something making him spit his wine out shocked

"Dad.....uh um uh I mean Kyoya!" Nathan says and Kyoya looked over shocked

"What?" Kyoya says and Nathan smiles nervously

"Nothing! I said nothing I said Kyoya that's it nothing else!" Nathan says and Kyoya nods and just lets Nathan believe he didn't hear him so Nathan wasn't so embarrassed at all

"Yeah that's all I heard." Kyoya says and Nathan smiles as he felt much better now

*Well I guess I am like his step dad since I married his mom, but still he's only getting to know his mom and if he wants to call me dad after he knows y/n more then ok, but right now I think this may be moving too fast* Kyoya thinks as he just talks with Nathan as shiro runs in and jumps on Kyoya

Nathan laughs

"Ok what's is it little princess is something wrong?" Kyoya asks and shiro shakes her head

"No dada!" Shiro says giggle and Kyoya smiles

*Honestly my life went from being contracted to stay with a gold digger, to being married to the love of my life and suddenly having so many kids, like we got shiro and kaito and alena and y/n is getting to know Nathan, I love my life so much I hope it never changes* Kyoya thinks as he tries to figure out what shiro needs

"I just want dada to come play dolls with me!" Shiro says and Kyoya nods

"Ah Nathan you wanna go play dolls with shiro and me?" Kyoya asks and Nathan nods

"Oh sure." Nathan says as he smiles and shiro smiles and grabs his hand and runs off as Kyoya follows them

*you know it sucks faith is still trying to ruin my life, but it's kinda funny how much she's failing, only a few people still even care I was with y/n when I was married it's old news now*

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