Chapter 61

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After preschool shiro was gonna be hanging out with her twin friends you can never remember their names

"This is my baby brother kaito." Shiro says as Kyoya was helping her hold him

"Now shiro be careful remember." Kyoya says and shiro nods as she smiles and her friends stare at the sleeping kaito as you were laying on the couch asleep

Kyoya looks over at you and noticed your eyes closed and smiles

*She must have fell asleep well she has been sleepy lately which is expected* Kyoya thinks as he picks you up

"Shiro I'm gonna go put mommy to bed I'll be right back." Kyoya says and shiro nods

A few seconds later Kyoya walks back in and Kaito then started to cry and pushed on one of the twins faces, after shiro let one of them hold him which shiro looked confused so shiro took Kaito back and he immediately stopped crying, Kaito started to laugh

Which Kyoya started to laugh because he thought it was super funny

*I'm glad Kaito really loves shiro I hope it always stays like that*


|Kyoyas pov|

Shiro was drawing in a colouring book after her friends left when she asked me a question

"Dada why didn't you just leave the old woman lady and be with mommy sooner?" Shiro asks me and I was hoping to never talk about faith again but well here we go

"Well it is very difficult to explain but I'll try." I say as shiro sits on my lap and smiles happily

"Ok tell story now."

"Well my parents had a contract with faiths parents, I couldn't divorce her unless she does something that breaks the contract, and stealing money broke it. That's why I never had any kids with faith, because if I did I wasn't allowed to ever leave her as long as the kid lives." I say and shiro nods as y/n then walks in and she obviously heard everything

"Oh wow kyo you were contracted to stay with faith?"

"Yes I was I didn't want you to know because well I hated thinking about it." I say as y/n kisses my cheek and I smile

*My marriage with faith wasn't really a marriage more like I was forced to marry her and then forced to stay with her, with a real marriage if your unhappy you leave but that wasn't my case, I'm so happy faith tried to steal money from me and my family, because now I get to be with my soulmate*

His mistress Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant