Chapter 14

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|Weeks later|

You were back to work and Kyoya noticed you were off you pretended he didn't exist and you looked like you had a lot on your mind and if Kyoya walked into a room you walked out if Kyoya went to walk up to you you just walked away

So Kyoya hid in his bedroom closet and when you walked in and closed the door to clean his bedroom he walked out of the closet and pinned you to the bed

"What's up with you." He asks and you look away

*How do I tell Kyoya I missed my period he's married and I might be pregnant with his child I don't even know what I'm gonna do oh god help me* you think as you just shrug

"Nothing Kyoya don't worry been super focused on work today." You say and then you kiss him and he stopped being all tense immediately

"Good I thought you were ignoring me."


|After work|

You went to the park for a nice calming day out but it starter to rain and you were about to leave when you see a little 3 year old girl laying on the grass shivering and you run over and pick her up it was pouring now and you were soaking wet so you took off your jacket and wrapped it around the little girl and carried her to your apartment which you started to sneeze so you laid down for awhile as you tried to keep the little girl warm with your body heat she was so skinny and shivering like crazy

|Kyoyas pov|

I walk into y/ns house and walk into her bedroom to see a little girl super close to her as y/n was under so many covers I was worried so I felt her forehead and she was burning up

I got super worried but she woke up

"Hi Kyoya."

"Are you ok?"

"I don't feel that well but I think I'm fine."

"The little girl?"

"I found her at the park it was pouring rain I walked from the park to my house in nothing but my t-shirt because I used my coat to keep the little girl warm I had to." Y/n says and she puts another blanket over her obviously cold when she was burning up

"Your sick."

"No I'm fine, I'm fine I promise kyoya." Y/n says and I kiss her nose and tuck her in and then I tuck the little girl in and I wanted this a life with y/n and children with y/n

The little girl here made me realize what I wanted so badly I did want kids but with y/n

Suddenly I got a call from my father

"Kyoya did you take 10 million yen out of the family account?"

"No why would I need 10 million yen I haven't took any money out of the family account if I did I'd tell you before I did."

"Then where did it go."

"I don't know I'll contact the bank and see who took it out." 

"Figure it out and get that money back in the account."

"Yes father."

*I wonder who did take the money out of the account but right now I need to take care of y/n and this 3 year old girl*

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