Chapter 55

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Today Kyoya was at work when Shiros birth parents came over and you answered the door as you were holding kaito and shiro was asleep

"We want shiro now you and your whatever he is now have a kid you don't need shiro."

"Fuck off! Shiro is my daughter I don't care if I have three kids later in life shiro will always be my daughter no matter what and I'll love her." You say and the couple try and push past you but you don't let them

"Now let us through and we'll be taking shiro with us."

"No if you touch her I swear." You say as one of kyoyas family officers walk over and ask what's going on and you explain

"Mr ootori has told us to tell you two to please leave if you ever come back now leave and don't come back." He says and you walk off and he gets Shiros birth parents alway

Kaito was asleep so you put him in his crib and then went to check on shiro and see her awake

"Hey sweetie are you ok."

"They were here."

"Don't worry they are gone and can't ever come back here as long as I'm around your safe." You say hugging  shiro and she then asks you not to leave her so you get into her bed and hold her as she closes her eyes and takes a nap and you stay with her until kaito started to cry because he was hungry

As you were walking to the nursery Kyoya came home and went up hearing kaito crying

"So what happened as I was gone?" Kyoya asks as you were

"Shiros birth parents came back again."

"What?" Kyoya says my happy

"Yeah don't worry their gone and shiro is having her nap."

"I'm sorry I can't be home all the time." Kyoya says and you chuckle

"Kyoya it's fine you can't I get you want to be here but you have a job to do."

"I know just sometimes I wish I could stay home with you, shiro and kaito."

"So what did you do today."

"Take care of shiro and kaito and then took a nap and did stuff." You say and Kyoya nods and kisses you and you kiss him back

"Anyways I'm trying to deal with shiros birth parents but that's difficult since they won't listen to any deals I try and give them to stay away from us."

"Shiro is too scared and she doesn't want to go to pre school again." You say and Kyoya nods

"I see is it because of her birth parents again?"

"Yeah I just want her to feel safe." You say and Kyoya nods

"I do as well." Kyoya says as he looks at kaito then he noticed shiro trying to hide behind the door and went over and picked her up and hugged her

*I hope I can get shiros birth parents away forever I don't want my daughter to grow up scared of leaving the house when she's a teen I just want shiro to feel safe in the world*

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