Chapter 39

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|Shiros pov|

I was sitting alone I wanted to go home I hated it here

"Why are you all alone?" A boy asks as he walks over to me and I don't say anything

"Hey don't ignore us!" Another one says and I look over an see two twin boys and I sigh

"I don't like being away from my parents."

"Oh we see but why don't you hangout with us?"

I nod as I shyly follow them

|Time skip|

After hours daddy came and I ran and hugged him

"Hey shiro."

"I wanna go home!" I say and Dada laughs slightly

"Yes but we need to go pick up mommy from her brothers house." Daddy says and I nod and then the twin boys Percy and Jake say goodbye to me

I wave goodbye as I hug daddy

"Shiro did you have a good first day?"

"No because I'm worried about you never coming and leaving me there." I say and daddy sets me down and hugs me

"Never shiro your my daughter and I'll never leave you alone you can trust me can't you?" Daddy says and I hug him and then we go to the car to go get mommy

|Your pov|

You were helping your half brother and his wife with their baby for the day

When Kyoya arrived your half brother was very confused

"So who's this?" He asks and you were kinda glad he didn't remember Kyoya but then again when your half brother doesn't get any sleep you understand why he doesn't

"My boyfriend Kyoya."

"Anyways babe a very anxious little girl is waiting for you inside the car."

"Wait a second y/n when did you have a child."

"I didn't shiro is an orphan I found and adopted."

"Yup sounds like her but now I'm taking a nap yuki have fun sweetie." Your brother says as yuki looked like she wanted to murder your brother

You and Kyoya leave and immediately when you get into the car shiro was hugging you but then the baby kicked and shiro was shocked

"Oh the little one kick again didn't it?" Kyoya says and you nod and he rubs your baby bump

"What?" Shiro says getting back in her car seat

"Your sibling kicked me that's all shiro." You say as Kyoya talked to your baby bump

*I know me and Kyoya decided to wait until the baby is born to know the gender but I really wanna know I'm getting super impatient*

(Ok question what gender do you all want the baby to be?)

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