Chapter 17

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When Kyoya came back to your house he sees you up and puts shiro down on the couch then runs over to you

"Hey you should be resting in bed not up cleaning your apartment."

"Well I like keeping busy is that a problem?" you say in a sick voice

"No of course not babe but–"

"No buts my apartment my rules I'm the one that pays rent here you have no say in anything here Kyoya." You say and he chuckles as a smirk appeared on his face

"Oh but I can control you so easily I just need to do this." Kyoya says and he kisses the back of your neck and then kisses the sides then front and up to your lips you've been with him for so long he knows exactly how to get what he wants or make you do things he wants

"Fine you win I'll rest and not make food."

"I'll bring you some tonight I promise." Kyoya says and you nod

"How will your wife react to shiro?"

"I'll tell her she's my cousins daughter who's an orphan she took in and since my cousin is sick she's worried about her everything will be fine faith doesn't control me or my house I do." Kyoya says and then he kisses you one last time before leaving again but this time to go home which he dreaded but had to do

|Kyoyas pov|

When I get home faith sees shiro and looked at me confused

"Who's this?"

"Shiro my cousins daughter who's an orphan."


"I might wanna take in an orphan faith and adopt one a little girl or boy who's parents are dead or left them and they feel unwanted I can make them feel wanted."

"Ew no."

"I made up my mind I'll adopt an orphan."

"Ew no!"

"What's wrong with orphans?"

"They live in the streets ew."

"Oh right before I forget have you took any money out of the family account?"

"No why?"

"My father called angry and upset that 10 million yen is gone and since they don't know what you truly are I have to ask you because you they'll never suspect you."

"No why would I take money out I can't even do that."

"Yeah you can't but you'd find away around it I bet now if you did steal any money and I find out I'll divorce you don't fuck with me."

"Really and what will your father say if he finds out what I know."

"Hmm? And what is that? I have no clue what I could be hiding."

"Y/n? Oh yeah I know."

"You were cheating on me far before I meet her doesn't seem fair for you to do that I could tell my dad I found out you were cheating on me and was so depressed I did what I did out of anger and sadness."


"Don't mess with me faith you can't black mail me to stay with you and people may think your spreading lies to get at me."

I then walk off and put shiro in a room close to mine and stayed with her to make sure she's gonna be ok

*I truly don't care about faith knowing about me and y/n she's been doing it with old men since before we got married she has nothing against me and I have everything against her*

(Question should Kyoya find out about faith stealing money before or after you have the baby?)

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