Chapter 24

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|A month later|

Akito had secretly took photos of you and Kyoya being all couple like and he somehow recorded conversations with you and Kyoya saying things that would definitely expose you both

He then sent them in anonymously to news stations

*This will force y/n to come to me she hates being in the spotlight and this will force her to break it off with Kyoya and be with me heh* Akito thinks happy with his plan


You were super self conscious with your body ever since you got pregnant

Kyoya sighs and takes you to the mirror

"Look at yourself sweetheart your not fat at all you're so god damm sexy I swear you may just break the glass with how sexy you are." Kyoya says making you super embarrassed


"Everyone wishes they had a body as sexy as yours so don't feel self conscious your beautiful." Kyoya says and he then starts giving you small kisses

"Kyoya thank you."

"Of course and you know I never lie to you so it's the truth." Kyoya says and you kiss him and he kisses you back but then shiro walks out of your room

"Mommy nightmare." Shiro says and you get out of Kyoyas arms and go to shiro and pick her up and sit on the couch and Kyoya sits beside you

Kyoya has been over so much he basically lives here now he's barely went to his house and he's really only left to go to work other wise he comes back

"You know you live such a simple life I never lived that it seems nice you know." Kyoya says and you smile at him

"My birth dad worked as a doctor and my step dad before he went blind worked as a lawyer, so we were really well off, with my birth dad just throwing money at me and my siblings he kinda just tried to buy our love since he was never around." You say and Kyoya felt bad for you

"What did your mother work as?"

"Oh she's always been a stay at home mom since she had her first child when my parents were what 20? Something? So shes never worked a day in her life."

"Oh wow sounds like faith but expect your mother isn't a gold digger."

"Well yeah my mom never needed a job my birth dad provided for her and then when they divorce my mom left the country to stay with my grandma in Canada where we met my step dad who then provided for her so she never had to work." You say and that's why your mother doesn't understand why you don't wanna get married so quickly and be a stay at home mom like her

*I wish my mother would try and understand more but it's impossible*

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