Lil RP Phonecall

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How are you?

Good. No time to chat

Okay, what is it?

I think he's here


Him! You know!

Oh no.

Yeah, I don't know how long I can keep this a secret from them.

How long has he been there?

Not too long? _______ hasn't noticed, I think.

Okay. Have you been taking your pills?

Of course, what would you think?

I'm just checking.

Okay. So what do I do?

Stay there, tell someone?

Yeah, I just

You what?


_____, what's happening?

I'm here

What happened there?

_______ called me for dinner. I have to 

Just stay safe! Tell her about it over dinner

I don't think she needs more stress in her life.

Oh, shut up. This is important.

We can keep it another night!

You can, but I'm telling _.

Okay, I don't care. She doesn't have much control over me.

Then I'll call _______. Right when you're having dinner.

Oh shut up!

Not until you tell them.

Dinner's ready! Bye!


Something bad is happening and someone's keeping a secret ;)

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