lonely for you only

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This ship is Oikawa x Sugawara requested by powerchoco

Chapter One

"Thank you very much for coming, have a lovely evening!" The silver-haired man flashed his guests a bright smile, bowing low for them. He returned shortly after, his legs then carrying the rest of him along the same laps he walked through the restaurant every night he was there. His smile from before had faded when all of his customers were finally gone and he really wished his day could be over now. God I'm tired, his thoughts slid across his brain in slow motion, and he's pretty sure everyone around him could tell, too.

It didn't take him long to finish the rest of his clean up when his manager told him to leave for the day whenever he was done cashing out, and he'd never been more thankful for anything in his entire life.

"Thank you Misaki, I'll see you on Friday!" He shouted to her when he left out the back door, taking a deep breath of the fresh air he so badly deserved after a much too long day. The late spring air nipped at his nose and exposed elbows peaking out from his rolled up sleeves as he made the trek back to his dorm. Sugawara Koushi was as normal as your average twenty-one year old could come- hard-working and full of life. If he wasn't at school studying away to complete a double major in Education and Psychology, he was at work serving tables at The Grove, a local favourite which just so happened to be around the corner from the dorm he shared with his best friend. He absolutely had a goal career in mind, unquestionably had an amazing love life, and most importantly did not have a soul mark.

Sugawara Koushi was also quite the liar.

In all honesty, Suga was the most troubled person he'd ever encountered. Well, maybe not the most troubled, but he did have a big problem on his hands. His right arm to be exact. The man gazed at his right wrist, a brown leather-banded watch with a large clean white face presenting itself to him. It wasn't the watch that was his issue- No, he always found that he was extremely punctual because of that accessory alone. It was what was underneath the watch that was the problem. In a world where 1/10 people had the first words their soulmate would ever say to them spawn on their right arm at the young age of sixteen, Suga wished he was one of the nine others in the statistic who never received one. Looking at his watch strap, he felt the word burn underneath it as if it would melt the thin leather away at any moment. He gently pushed it out of the way, only to see the word still there in all of its glory:


Suga scoffed, letting his arm fall back to his side in anger. What kind of soul mark was that? The word was something he heard everyday, often leaving him disheartened and hopeless. He'd met people in different walks of life with such interesting marks, words and sentences that you wouldn't hear from more than that one person you were bound to. Words that he knew were special, and he was stuck with this one. A common word that Suga was uncomfortable with having reserved for just himself. A word so frustrating that Suga could hardly care about his education. He always found himself zoning out in class while gazing at classmates, imagining what the first words they may never utter to him could be. Would his soulmate be one of them? God he hoped not, being bound to a person of the same major would get pretty boring, wouldn't it? He remained absentminded during work as well, which had got him into trouble more than once. He often looked past the customers faces, trying to read their mind and their arms. Trying to serve people who could potentially be your soulmate was more than nerve-wracking, and frankly, he was over the whole situation.

While it was easier said than done, Suga had sworn that when he moved for college that he would try to not let it bug him anymore. From that point on, he'd ignore the unwanted mark and pursue a relationship based on emotion, not some stupid word. There was even a chance he wouldn't ever meet his soulmate, and Suga was just fine with that. If he went his whole life without meeting his "destined parter", then he'd be-

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