TodoBaku: fuck buddy

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WARNING: this fanfic contains explicit content such as strong language, and yaoi. If you are not okay with that then you shouldn't be looking at this account. I know this is in a completely different universe in anime but me brother Leon was being me to do a todobaku fanfic so bare with me on this one. THIS IS GOING TO A VERY LONG FUCKING CHAPTER SO BE VERY FUCKING AWARE, AND GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP.Now without further delay let the gay shit begin.

Ask anyone in  Tokyo and they'll tell you the same thing, that the number one pro hero todoroki shoto is the perfect hero. he's kind to everyone and always the first one to arrive on a crime scene, Always the clam and collected hero everyone wanted him to be. it was ironic how things happened to lead shoto to his current situation, him moaning and shuddering like a teenager clinging to the strong perfect body of the most wanted villain in japan, Ground Zero.

Six months ago

he and ground zero had been fighting one-on-one for an hour the other pro heroes were otherwise occupied by lesser villains, and shoto's wearing out the only consolation was that ground zero was wearing out too.his movements were slowing and he'd lost a gauntlet some 20 minutes ago, shoto had never felt so alive in his life. Ground zero was his complete equal in every way they matched punch for punch and strike for strike. Neither breaking neither relenting it was exhilarating.

"You're becoming slow Mr. pro hero" Ground zero's arrogant smirk doesn't faze shoto anymore they've had this stalemate for months, and the snarky blondes quips didn't ruffle his feathers. Instead he relished the fresh out of it, no one was ever cold to him, no one dared to turn their nose to the number one pro hero out the way ground zero did. He licks his lips and grins, his blood running hot even thought his powers were weakening, maybe he would die tonight he'd be okay dying at the hands of his equal. No one would fault him for falling to the most wanted villain in the country the villain that always succeeded and could never be caught.

"Oi, pay attention to me you half an' half bastard!" Ground zero yells and shoto braces for what he knows is a frontal attack, another reason they still made as they both know each other too well by now. Sure enough the feisty blonde lounges towards him, but he does something that catches shoto off-guard. He faits to the left and he swings is leg out hitting shoto full in the stomach knocking the breath out of his lungs, flinging him backwards to land harshly on his back. Ground zero is on him in a second pinning his arms to the side with his legs, his hands slamming down on either side of his head. Shoto looks up at the blonde dazed, he'd really let his guard down on that one. Was this it? He was tired of fighting, tired of always being looked at as the perfect hero, tried of having to hide all of the time.

"Oi, you still Fucking spacing out? What the fuck is so important that you can't even focus on our fight. Huh" shoto opened and tries to focus on the burning red eyes above him.He'd never been this close to ground zero before, their fights were always fought with range attacks, and only a little sparring needed. His eyes lazily trailed down the blonde scratched up cheeks, his strong jaw, his scowling mouth. He probably looked gorgeous if he smiled.

"Do you ever smile?" yes not paying attention to the vein popping out from ground zero's forehead

"uh-huh, What the fuck" it's enough for the villain to lean back his weight briefly relaxing over shoto's arms. it was enough, he puts all his remaining power into lighting his left side.Ground zero yelps and rolls off him as flames lit his pants and now their roles are reversed.

"The fuck icy hot you tricked me" the blonde screams and shoto stays still wondering why he even tried, because he still wanted to live even for a little longer.

"Sorry ground zero, guess i didn't want to die yet" he slams his palm into the blonde's neck squeezing, chocking off his next insult with a satisfying gagging noise.

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