Cooped up: Chapter 5

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Two Words. Three Syllables. (Daisuga 1)


Suga really just wants one thing from Daichi. It's name has two words, three syllables, and was an object that you could wear.


Music I listened to while making this chapter: A shit ton of SALES and Mom Jeans. Yes, yes I am gay.

It was only their second year that everything had changed between the ashen haired setter and strong spirited captain. Despite barely knowing each other, Suga had felt like he had known Daichi his whole life. He understood his subtle cues when he needed his help or was under an immense amount of pressure. He knew what his favorite drink was from their drink machine, how much the setter enjoyed the smell of rain on a weekend, and you didn't hear it from him that Suga looked absolutely breathtaking when they would walk home together as the sun would set.

This walk to practice felt like all of the others, except an awkward air hung between the two. Suga could usually read Daichi with ease, but there was something there that was new. Something he had never seen before flashed across his face. It looked as if he was about to burst at the seams to tell him something, but Suga wasn't one to pry things out of people. Instead, he waited patiently for the day that he had felt comfortable enough to tell him what was going on in his head. They grabbed their things after their last class had finished and the pair then walked side by side to whatever grueling practice they had to endure.

"I have something to tell you.", Daichi said with newfound conviction. His dark brown eyes felt more like daggers on Suga as he closed in on the ashen haired setter.

They were finally done with practice. The coach had left them all absolutely exhausted from all of their drills, so a slight sheen of sweat could be seen on across Suga's pale collarbones.

Daichi had found him to be absolutely beautiful, but the way that the locker room lights were showing off the prominent curve of Suga's soft, delicate neck and chest made him go insane. He had closely followed a drop of sweat that had clung onto his pale skin and slowly trailed down from his chest to his abdomen.

Not wanting to dampen the already exhausted mood, Suga began to fake swoon into his hand, "Oh, are you about to profess your undying love for me?", Suga teased.

Without skipping a beat Daichi gave a firm nod, "Yes, I am."

Suga paused. He was only half joking about the confession, so being given an actual one was not on his to do list. All he could do was stare in awe at Daichi's sudden confidence.

".... What?", Suga sputtered. His face felt hot and he was sure that his hands were two seconds away from feeling clammy.

Daichi grabbed Suga's now clammy hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze, "I really do love you.", he said softly, "I'm pretty sure I've felt this way for a while now."

Suga couldn't really think of any string of words to describe the amount of weight that had just been shoved off of his chest. The headstrong boy he had been pining over since their first year had confessed to him.

"For the love of god please say something.", Daichi sighed as he searched Suga's face for an answer.

With a deep breath Suga had the nerve to look him in the eyes, "I love you too.", he said with a wavering voice, "But, where is this coming from?"

"Well, Asahi kind of gave me a subtle hint...", Daichi laughed as he sheepishly rubbed the back of is head. He always had that nervous habit, but Suga found it to be endearing at times like this.

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