A Crows Empire

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Chapter 1Summary:

It wasn't Shouyou's fault that he was found out.

Right? It was his retinue's fault. Showing up like that in the middle of their volleyball practice during spring break.

What would his teammates think about him now? Weird? Stupid? Insane? Like, who in their right mind would think that Hinata Shouyou, a short, average, red-head volleyball dork, has his own retinue? Let alone people who will bow down at the sight of him. Right?



"Hinata, nice kill!" shouted Yamaguchi from the backline. There was a soft breeze coming from the open windows and doors of the gym so the heat was tolerable. Hinata Shouyou exhaled a big gulp of air as he landed and bounced right back up.

"Did you see that Kageyama? Did you? Did you?!" he pestered his raven-haired teammate as Kageyama swatted his head out of the way so he can serve.

"Oi, get out of the way, dumbass. I'm gonna serv-" Kageyama started, but was interrupted by the red-head's constant yammering in front of him.

"Did you see that though?! I spiked it straight between Tsukishima's lanky block!" Hinata exclaimed excitedly, flailing his arms in the air while bouncing on his one foot, eyes wide, waiting for a compliment.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. Now move before I decide to serve this-" Kageyama showed him the ball, "-in your face."

"Okay fiiiiine. Grumpyama." Hinata muttered against his breath while making his way to the bench and taking a water break.

"Hey, Hinata-kun! You're on fire this morning." Yachi stated while handing him a towel. Giggling while Hinata gave Kageyama the 'look-of-utter-disgust-but-im-gonna-spike-your-tosses-anyway' look.

"I know right?! But Stupidyama refuses to compliment me this time. I don't know why though." He drank from his water bottle and sat down as a muffled "I heard that!" came from across the court.

"Maybe he's not in the mood?" Yachi offered, looking over Kageyama. "He looks tired actually."

Hinata spat his drink and looked at her. "W-Why do you think so, Yachi-san?" he asked, getting all nervous and fidgety.

"Well, he has bags under his eyes?" Yachi stated plainly. "You did sleep over his house last night, right? You two didn't stay up late playing or anything, did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at Hinata.

Hinata sputtered against the towel he was using to dry his sweaty face.

"What was that?" Yachi asked, smirking this time.

"W-why would you-.. W-we didn't.. Uh.. right! We..uh.. stayed up late. P-playing.. volleyball.. Yes.. Volleyball." Hinata finished. His face bright red.

"Riiiiight. Volleyball." Yachi giggled at him and offered to refill his water bottle so he can go back to practice.

When she went out with his water bottle, Hinata heaved a heavy sigh and looked at Kageyama again. Well, yeah they were dating for 5 months now. After so many shared kisses and hugs, it's okay to do the 'other' stuff that lovers do, right? There's nothing wrong with that, right? Hinata sighed again, decided to dry his sweaty arms as well.

After morning practice was over, Daichi rounded them up so they can eat their lunch and rest for a while. Hinata took his bento from his bag, but it was empty.

"Huh? Where the hell is my bento?" he then proceeded to rummage his bag, searching for his lost lunch.

"Oi. What the hell are you doing, dumbass?" Kageyama sat beside him and looked pointedly at his boyfriend's face.

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