A Crows Empire

599 8 1

Of Dark Places and Surprise Attacks


It was dark and it was cold.

The heavy feeling upon entering the portal was upon him. Even if he opened his eyes it would still be dark, darker than the night without lights to aid him. He seemed to be floating in some kind of a dark bubble-thing which formed around him when they entered the Gate. He could feel someone holding his hand. Hinata.

"-yama.. –en.. your.. eyes!" came a high voice. He felt someone shaking his arm. Oh wait, that's Hinata's voice.

Kageyama opened his eyes and was momentarily blinded by a bright light. Then it dimmed and he could clearly see the outlines of Guthrei and Zephyrus in front of him. Hinata was beside him, still holding his hand and Eurus was on the other side of him, looking at Kageyama curiously.

They were still floating. But Kageyama noticed the dark bubble-thing around him. He tried not to panic since he knew he's safe as long as they're here. Curious, he raised his hand and tried to touch the bubble but Hinata's hand stopped him from doing so.

Hinata giggled when Kageyama turned to look at him, brows furrowed.

"You're not allowed to touch it, Bakageyama. It'll burst and you'll fall down there." Hinata pointed below them, smirking.

Kageyama curiously looked down and he let out a strangled cry, body tensing and his grip against Hinata's hand tightened. They were definitely floating in a space-like atmosphere, but their surroundings were dark and hazy and fog almost covered them up. But when he looked down, it was clear of fog and haze but there was some kind of a dark, glass barrier 100 feet below them. They were so high he couldn't see the thing at the other side of the barrier. He looked straight up against Guthrei's back and vowed never to look down again, cold sweat covering his face, neck and arms.

Hinata laughed at his boyfriend's reaction, but couldn't help the guilty feeling he now harbored. "Sorry about that, Kageyama. I just wanted to see your reaction." He laughed apologetically and he held Kageyama's hand tightly with his 2 hands, all the while Kageyama muttered 'Hinata, you dumbass.'.

"What was.. th-that.. anyway?" Kageyama asked, still curious about the thing he saw down there, his breathing returned to normal and he wiped his face with his free hand.

"Well." Hinata started, taking a look down before looking up at Kageyama again, "You sure you wanna know?" he inquired.

"Why? Is that not allowed?" Kageyama turned questioning eyes at Hinata. His boyfriend seemed to weigh his answers. Eyes lighting up as he found one.

"Let's just say, evil doers go there and can never go back again." Hinata smiled slightly. Eurus nodded beside Kageyama while still looking down.

"Oh, is that so.." Kageyama nodded in acceptance, but then he noticed something after looking around. His head snapped up to Hinata.

"Why aren't you in a bubble-thingy like me?! What if you fall down there or something?! Aren't you scared?!" Kageyama pointed an accusing finger at Hinata, whose eyes widened a bit. Kageyama tried to calm his freaked out nerves and his hand won't stop shaking. He broke out into a cold sweat again in fear of his boyfriend accidentally falling down there, or something. He wouldn't want that. The hand holding on to him tightened.

Hinata only smiled at Kageyama's display of fear for him, for his safety. His heart warmed at that.

"Don't worry about that, Kageyama-kuuuun. I can also do this." Hinata removed his hands against Kageyama's death grip, making the other freak out, trying to grab Hinata's hand again out of fear of falling down.

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