feelings are killer

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Chapter twenty-four

Hinata's POV

After visiting Tsukki I felt refreshed. His forgiveness lit a fire underneath my ass, to be able to see him laugh, smile and well.... cry was exactly what I needed. You don't realise how much you miss someone until you see them I guess.

The chances of Asahi actually being home are quite low as he probably is intoxicated at the nearest gay bar, looking for his newest prey. He ducking disgusts me.

It's about I hurt someone that actually deserves it I guess. I'm scared at how far I really want to go, the hatred that I feel towards this man is immense, he raped my best friend, cheated on another of my best friends and also physically abused him after cheating.

As I arrived at the familiar house, what I once thought was a happy home filled with memories I notice an angry aura surround the block of land.

As I look through the window I see him on the couch, watching some shitty reality tv show. 'If it's not drag race it's not worth our time' is something that he said to us. Was everything a lie?

Before I break his door down I think of what really would be the most appropriate way to go through with this.

Then I remember something that has been forgotten for 2 years, gone unused. Mind reading, perfect.

He might have a hard exterior, but what is he really thinking in that pea sized brain.

I focus all of my attention to him through the front bushes, he's too busy watching The Bachelor to notice. Lame.

"Ugh, I hate these straight shows. I wish everyone was here and we could watch drag race. I miss them all, I don't know why I did those things. At least Iwaizumi liked me enough to let me fuck him" I stop listening in there as I remember that Asahi never got any consent from Iwa. So he thinks he did nothing wrong, no regret was found in his thoughts, he just sounded empty.

Cool. Well time to give him a surprise.

I see the large white door in front of me. Last time I visited this house was to pick Noya up.

Before I knock I take a swig of vodka. It will make sense later I promise.

I knock on the door and hear loud footsteps come from the other side, as he opens the door I put my acting mode on.

Get ready for the performance of a lifetime.

"Heyyyyyy, Asahiiiiiiii, djou wanna fucc" I see his face morph into a confused one, but I know that he is a man that follows instincts before he thinks.

"Shoyo, why are you here. Shouldn't you be with Y-Nishinoya" he says with a sad expression. I don't believe it for a second, let's see what he's thinking shall we.

"Wow, I hope he realises how sincere I am, I miss them all. But he wants to fuck, maybe if we fuck then we can become close again and I can apologise to noya." Oh Asahi, that's where you're wrong. Noya will never forgive you. And also why would you think your ex would forgive you for cheating on him if you fuck his best friend. Is this man really this deluded.

"I woulddddd Asahiiiiiii, buttttt I wanted to *hic* see youuu, you look *hic* so sexyyyy." And I see his face light up. And before I know it he is dragging me into the house and on to his bed.

I feel his lips smash against mine as I try not to gag, he flinched as he tastes the fresh taste of vodka in my saliva.

He starts grinding against me as I feel him starting to get hard. I would be getting hard if he was any good. But I'm overdoing it with the moaning anyways.

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