Cooped up: Chapter 3

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And pigs can fucking fly...(Tsukkiyama 1)Summary:

The first of I don't really know how many chapters for this pairing! This is the story of when pigs were confirmed to fly by scientists.


Fun thing I'm going to start adding is what music I had on repeat while writing this: A fuck ton of Princess Nokia, Khalid, and Jack Stauber. I am fully aware that none of their music has anything in common shhhhh.

Despite the fact they're under lockdown due to the virus, Tsukishima would be damned if it meant spending it completely by himself. It became a habit to spend every few days with his usual other half when he felt bored enough, and this weekend was no different.

Except for one itty bitty detail...

Yamaguchi had wanted to spend the night and have one of their classic sleepovers they used to have when they were in middle school. Now they would have sleepovers despite the fact that they were probably too old for them, but it had been almost a year since their last one.

A quick buzz through his phone startled Tsukishima out of his thoughts. It was Yamaguchi:

Yamaguchi: Hey is there anything you wanted me to pick up for our sleepover???

Yamaguchi: I'm super excited to see you :))

Tsukki: Strawberry Ice cream.

Tsukki: Also, we literally video chatted yesterday what do you mean you miss me?

Yamaguchi: It's not the same and you know that Tsukki...

Tsukishima didn't have to guess at the pout that Yamaguchi probably had as he typed that last sentence. He hated seeing him pout like that, but he knew it was more for show rather than how he actually felt.

Tsukki: I know it's not. I'm just giving you a hard time...

Tsukki: I'm excited to see you too

Was it a bit cheesy for him? Absolutely. Would it make Yamaguchi happy? Fucking absolutely. Truth be told he was excited to have him over. The two were inseparable, so to spend so many days apart was torture.

Not too long after their messaging a doorbell finally rang throughout the house. Trying not to basically run towards the front door, and failing horribly, Tsukishima bounded down the stairs and quickly opened the door for his friend.

"Jeez, no need to break the door down Tsukki!", Yamaguchi teased as he let himself in.

"I didn't. I just wanted the ice cream...", Tsukishima grumbled trying to hide his embarrassment.

Yamaguchi simply laughed at the blonde's dismissal and sat the ice cream down on the kitchen counter. His house was basically a second home for him, so he already knew where to grab the bowls and spoons for their ice cream.

As Yamaguchi began to scoop out the strawberry ice cream, he started rattling off a bunch of stuff that they could do for the day. "Do you wanna build a fort and watch a movie in it?", Yamaguchi said absent mindedly while getting his final scoop out.

"What...are we fucking five?", Tsukishima sighed as he reached for his own bowl. Yamaguchi pushed it further away from him with a signature pout already plastered on his face.

Clearly, he wasn't going to win this fight. If there were two things that he could classify as his weaknesses it would be: Dinosaurs and Yamaguchi's...well everything. The shaggy haired boy had a hold over him that he couldn't really explain, but he couldn't complain about it either.

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