Magma? You've Got To Be Kidding Me.

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"Quite a performance, brother," I hear a mechanic voice above us, "But we both know that's all it was. I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next-gen processor. I know your next move before you do." We all get up as the message rises up from the ground.

"Blowing a message into the sand?" The new android asks, bringing the piece of earth up behind him, the letters spelling out 'Play dead.' The block breaks into pieces, and they're all hurled towards us. I jump up and punch one, turning it into smithereens. I glance at the others to see them using their own ways to get through the rocks.

'Zatanna?' Robin asks. I glance over at her. 'I'm good. But Red Tornado's getting away.' I look up and see that she's indeed right, and he is flying away. 'Is he abandoning us?' Artemis asks. 'I don't believe that.' Miss M replies. I quickly take my cloak off, jumping up into the air, and letting my wings fly out. I quickly catch up to Miss M, as we fly towards the hostile android.

"You stand no chance against me, humans." He states, punching Wally away from him. He goes flying back yards. "We're not human!" Superboy, Miss Martian, and I yell at the same time.

"Apologies. I suppose the properly inclusive term is-" He begins, and giant hands made from earth rise up, slamming together, with all three of us in between. The earth crumbles, and we all fall to the ground. "Meatbags." He finishes. I push off an earth block from on top of me. I sit up, rubbing my head. "I swear, when we're done with him, I'll melt him down and turn him into a sword for my brother." I growl.

I look over just as Kaldur and Artemis swing out of an abyss, which closes as they hit the ground. Robin jumps off of a boulder, throwing a bird-a-rang, which the android catches. It explodes in his hand. "Tornado's memory files and my superior processing speed allow me to anticipate your every move." He brags.

Shadows cover his eyes as Zatanna speaks a blinding spell. "Tornado never knew my moves." She says. "And I bet you've get some good ones." Robin says, before realizing just what he said. "Woah. Sorry. That may have come off a little too Wally." Zatanna chuckles. "I don't mind." I smirk, before jumping up to attack.

Just as I'm about to reach the android, his eyes turn red, and the shadows disperse as red beams shoot from his eyes. The beams hit me, and I go flying back, landing next to where Kaldur is standing. I look up just as a volcano begins to erupt. I'm gonna guess and say it's because of the android.

I get up. "Magma? You've got to be kidding me." I state. I shake my head, taking a step back. "What?" Kaldur asks. "I can't use my flames in this fight. It'll only make things worse." I sigh. "So much for melting him into a sword. Well, here goes nothing." We dodge as the android sends blocks of rocks at us, dripping with the hot liquid.

'He's activating a stage 2 eruption.' Wally tells us. 'It gets to stage 3, kiss the hemisphere goodbye.' 'Hit him from all sides.' Aqualad calls. He and Superboy run and jump up to attack. Aqualad's hit by a rock, and Superboy's punch is stopped. I hear a scream and look to see Miss M on the ground, a crack in the earth blowing hot air at her. I quickly jump over and shield her from the heat.

"M'gann!" Superboy yells, running over. The robot jumps in between us, back handing Superboy and me, then grabbing Megan by her cloak. Groaning, I look up from where I'm at to see Wally jumping and grabbing Megan from the machine's grasp. Then, a stream of water comes, and rams into him, knocking him out into the lava.

"Nice hit!" Robin tells Aqualad. "The hit was not mine." Aqualad replies. "Look!" He points. I look over my shoulder to see on of the other androids. A stream of water raises him up and he sends two streams with a wave of his arms. The hostile android begins to rise from the lava pit, but Tornado flies in, breaking it back down.

The android comes up from the liquid once more, and is bombarded with fireballs from the female android. "No fair!" I mutter. "Sister! Brothers! Stop!" The android commands. The two androids, who were the ones that attacked the cave, tackle him into the magma. Tornado goes in as well, up to almost his waist. Before he can sink any lower, Superboy runs and grabs him from the pit, and they land in front of us. I sigh in relief.

The small volcano quickly grows, becoming bigger and bigger. "Tornado, listen! We're on the verge of a stage 3 supervolcano eruption. There's no turning back from that. We need to vent pressure, fast." Wally yells out. "But the ash cloud will bring on worldwide nuclear winter unless you divert it." He turns to Robin, "Triangulate around the pressure locus."

"Right." Robin states, bringing up a hologram of the mountain. "There, there, and there." He says, red dots appearing on the hologram. Artemis shoots an arrow that breaks into three and hits the precise spots. The mountain grows bigger.

Tornado flies up, higher than the clouds, and creates a giant twister, collecting up all the smoke and ash from the eruption. The smoke cloud disappears out of the atmosphere and the lava quickly cools, turning black. "Yes!" Wally yells. He looks up as Tornado comes back down. He falls to the ground, and we all run to him.

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