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It's a new day, and I have a good feeling about it. I'm not wearing my mask, but I have it strapped to my side for if any of the Leaguers are here. I'm fine with the team seeing me without it, but not the Justice League. I'm still not very comfortable with most of them, although Batman, Black Canary, and Red Tornado are alright. For the most part.

Kaldur is currently out with Red Tornado and Batman, doing something that has to do with the Terror Twins. The TV is on, and after I've managed to find the correct channel, I'm watching Superman and Manhunter go against the twins.

Apparently, the plan is that they get the twins into a certain building somehow, where Aqualad and the two Leaguers were waiting to put collars around their neck. Then, they'll make Megan and Conner look like the twins, and send them in instead to stop whatever the Freeze family is planning, in Belle Reve, a prison for supers.

After the showing of the fight is over, I start experimenting with the remote. This is one of the many human things that I don't understand about this world. The buttons make no sense to me, and I don't understand how this little device can control the TV, I don't even know how the TV works. But I keep pressing buttons, some taking me to new channels, or whatever they're called, some turning the screen to these little black and white dots that give you a headache if you stare too long.

"Emma, what are you doing?" I hear a voice behind me ask. I jump, the black object in my hand flying from my grasp as I spin around on the couch to see who's behind me. There, I see Robin and Wally standing in the doorway to one of the many hallways. "You really shouldn't sneak up on my like that." I say, placing a hand over my heart to hopefully slow it's pace down. "Didn't you hear us walk in?" Wally asks. I shake my head. "I must have been too busy with the TV to hear you two." I say standing up to head to the kitchen area.

"What do you mean busy?" Robin questions. I look over at him as I pull out some food from the cupboard. "There are still many things I don't understand about this world. Most of it is the electronics and how they work. I also need to learn the names differences of some of your foods, for example an apple, and a tomato; however, I also seem to need to go to school, according to M'gann." I say.

"Wait a minute, you don't know how to run a TV?" Robin began laughing at that. I huff. "I'm from a kingdom full of dragons. We have books and plays to keep us entertained. We light candles to keep the dark at bay. The only electricity we know is during a lightning storm, and no one's figured out how to use that yet." I say, my arms crossed and looking away from them. I really don't like being laughed at for not knowing things about this world.

"What about science?" Wally inquires. "I've never been able to understand it, but it does somewhat exist in my realm. However, magic is believed in more, mostly since we're very close with the witches and warlocks' realm."

"So why don't you go to school?" Artemis questions as she walks into the room with us. I glance over at her for a moment before sighing. "I don't deal with drama very well. It's irritating, and I get rather dangerous when I get annoyed. Besides, you guys are my friends, I can be myself with you. The kids at school? I don't know them, I don't trust them, and I don't know how I should act in school in the first place. And then there is also the fact that, like I said earlier, I barely understand things in this world. You can't teach me things from this world when I already know plenty of things about my home world. The new information would clash with the old, and I'm confused enough as it is now." I explain. She nods somewhat in understanding.

I hear a few whimpers and look down to see Phyrix at my feet. Swiftly, he claws up my dress, onto my shoulder, where he snuggles into my neck, being supported there by my hair that's surrounding him. "Hey there. Are you hungry?" I ask him. He gives me a small yip in reply. I look over to the three in front of me. "How about you?" They all nod. I shrug, going over to the fridge, thinking up something I could possibly fix up for all of us.

Seeing the ingredients, I start pulling things out and setting them on the counter. "Uh... Emma? Why did you pull out apples?" I hear Robin ask behind me. I stop, and turn to look at what I've taken out so far. I pick up the red food and stare at it. I look at the others and hold it out. "This is an apple?" I question. They all nod. I face palm in frustration. "Still can't tell the difference between a tomato and an apple!" I groan. I hear giggling, and peak through my lashes to see Robin is once again laughing at me.

"Oh hush, Robin. We don't have apples or tomatoes in the dragon realm, so you can't expect me to know the difference." I say, walking out of the room, taking the apple with me. "And I don't appreciate being laughed at. Find your own food." I call back. I hear groaning, most likely from Wally. He really loves it when I cook. "Dude, why'd you do that? Her's and M'gann's food are the best!" He whines. I smirk at his childish behavior, taking a bite out of the apple, and holding it out for Phyrix to bite off as well.

"Hey, Emma." I hear Artemis call to me. I turn around to greet her. "Yes?" I question. "How's it going with your," she looks both ways, as if making sure that we're alone. "Boy troubles?" She finishes her question. I sigh. "Kaldur actually chased me down the other day." I began. "What? Really? What happened?" She began asking, almost excitedly. "I was just about to tell you that." I say. I look away from her.

"He chased me down the hallway after we said goodbye to Megan and... Conner." I begin to tell her about the other day. I blush as I tell her about what he told me on the walk back to the bioship. "He explained that the girl he likes is in love with another..." Silence, and then a chuckle. I stare at Artemis in surprise.

"What's so funny?" I ask, incredulously. "Based on that information, I don't know if he likes you in that way, but he does like having you by his side. I'm not a love expert, but I think that means that he does like you." My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No, no, no. There's no way he could really like me. Not in that way." I deny. Artemis places her hands on my shoulders and I freeze from the contact. "You think too lowly of yourself, Emma. You don't think you deserve to like anyone, that you don't deserve to fall in love, but you do."

"Artemis, the last guy I liked turned out to be an assassin from the rival dragon kingdom, sent to kill my family." I tell her. "If that's not bad luck in love, then I don't know what is." She stares at me for a moment. "Well, then, here's to better luck." I mentally sigh at how frustrating she is being right now.

"Listen Esmeralda, I haven't known you as long as the others have, but I know you've got the biggest heart on the team. You constantly show it, in everything you do. Please, Emma. If not for yourself, then think about Kaldur. You don't want to hurt him, too." She says, removing her hands and walking away from me with a sad look on her face. With a sigh, I head to my room so I can be alone for a while to think.

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