Cult of The Kobra

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"I recognize those uniforms." Robin states after we've tied the two squads to their specific group. I turn to him. "They belong to the cult of The Kobra." "I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's venom operation." Aqualad states. "Agreed." Robin and I say at the same time. He gives me a look. "And since there's clearly no love loss between the cultists and those goons, I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. That's why normal supply lines have been cut off." Robin continues.
"We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Mystery solved. Radio Bats, and we'll be home in time-" Wally's cut off by Robin. "These cultists aren't on venom. Kobra's hoarding the stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why." He states. I give him a glare.
"Until you know why?" Kid asks, annoyed. "This team needs a leader." Robin backfires. "And it's you?" Kid asks, unbelieving, "Dude, you're a 13 year old kid, who ducked out on us without a word." "Ha ha! And you're a mature 15? You blew our cover first chance you got." Robin laughs. I sigh. "Would you two knock it off? You're giving me a migraine." I tell them.
"And what about you? Do you want to lead?" Kid asks, annoyed. I shake my head. "As much as I need practice, I'm not up for actually leading people just yet." I say, turning away. They go back at it, and I pick up a language other than English, using my super hearing. "Look at them argue! Free yourself and take them while they're distracted." One says. "Quiet! For now I play along. They'll give me what I need." Another says.
I look and notice Superboy smirk. Apparently he understands Spanish as well. Of course I know Spanish, and many other languages in this world. I've had more than enough time to learn Earth's most common languages while living with Fate.
"Yeah? You don't even have super powers!" "Neither does Batman!" The two are still at it. "Duh, you're not Batman." "Duh, closest thing we've got." "Who said we needed Batman?" I ask, they turn to me. They all turn to me. "We don't have Batman. But we do have ourselves. We're proving that we don't need their help. We're fighting for ourselves, and we're fighting for what's right. Now please shut up about it." I state.
I turn at the sound of one of the men chuckling. "Such clever niños. But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into the factory via my secret entrance." He offers. Miss M and I sit in front of him, "There is a secret entrance, but he's also hiding something." She states, her eyes glowing white. "Ah, ah, ah, chica. Bane is not that easy." He tells her.
"Oh. He's mentally reciting football scores en español. This could take a while." She tells us. "It's not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He says, smirking at us. I turn to look at the others, they all nod their heads, and I et him untied. "Gracias, chica." he tells me. I pull him down to my height by the collar of his shirt, and whisper into his ear in Spanish, "If you try anything, I'll show you what true fear is." I let him go. I can feel the others staring at me, confused.
He stumbles back and looks at me with wide eyes. "I also have keen ears, just so you know." I state, turning to walk away. "Are we leaving or what?" I ask. They all start walking with me. We reach a cliff, and Bane points to where the factory is located. Robin pulls his binoculars out and scans the area. "Look at all that product. A buy is going down. But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects, then-" "We need to identify that buyer." Aqualad states.
"Just what I was thinking." Wally comments. "Yeah, you're the thinker." Robin remarks. "Ashativier!" I mutter, rubbing my head in annoyance. "Sarcasm? Dude. A real leader would focus on getting answers." He's cut off by the sound of earth moving. I look over to see Bane lifting a giant rock and moving it away. "Answers are this way." He says, wiping his hands.
"So now, El Luchador is our leader." Kid comments. Robin punches him in the arm. "Not even in the slightest." I remark, following after Robin. We get to about the middle of the tunnel, and Bane pushes a button. Metal doors open, and we're inside the factory. Bane opens a door, and Robin checks out the scenery. "All clear." he tells us before running out into the much bigger room.
We all walk out of the room, and he's instantly gone. Him and that torushun vanishing act of his. I think. "Has that little fool already been caught?" Bane asks. I narrow my eyes at him. "No, he just does that." Aqualad states. "Stay put." Kid tells us, putting his goggles over his eyes. "I'll get our intel and be back before the Boy Wonder." He takes off before Aqualad or I can stop him. "Wait, Kid!"

"Great chain of command." Bane comments. This guy is seriously starting to get on my nerves. We get to one of the windows and observe what's happening outside. "It's a massive shipment." Aqualad states. "Yeah, but they're only taking new product off the line. They're not touching this venom." Superboy continues. "Maybe freshness counts?" Miss M asks. I shake my head. "Doubt that's the reason, but good guess." I tell her.

"Helicopters coming." Both me and Superboy say. We look at each other, before we all look up to the sky. Soon enough, the helicopters come over the walls of the factory, and land. The doors open and someone walks out. M'gann flies over head of them in camouflage and gets a better look at what's going on.

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