Professor Ivo's Telling The Truth

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"Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last month's prison break. He's given us 5 minutes with you." M'gann says, leaning on the table as Professor Ivo stares on, bored. "Spill, Ivo. How do we find T. O. Morrow and his Reds?" Superboy demands, his arms crossed. "Now, why in the world would I know how to find Morrow?" He asks. His aura is a light orange, the color of annoyance.

"Because -and here's a truly dumb idea- you're Morrow's biggest competitor in the Evil Android Game. Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?" Kid states, walking up to the table. "Ah. I see your point. So let me rephrase," Ivo smiles, "Why in the world would I tell you how to find Morrow?" "He knows. Do what you must." Aqualad tells Miss M.

"Oh, please." Ivo laughs, "As if I've never faced a telepath before." I set my hands upon the table, my hands molding into claws. "You've never face a dragon before, I'm sure." I state. Zatanna suddenly appears next to him, saying a spell in latin that I've never heard before. Remember, I was once best friends with Klarion the Witch Boy.

"Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park, 100 meters south of Old Faithful." Ivo says, looking surprised at the sound of his own voice. I smirk, standing up straight, my hands returning to normal. The entire team is surprised at what just happened. Ivo covers his mouth, before looking around, panicked.

"Wait. What just happened?" He asks. "What happened was, you were just put under a truth spell." I say, crossing my arms. "You know what type of spell that was?" Zatanna asks, surprised. "I may not know magic," I explain, crossing my arms, "but I do know the type of spell that is being placed when I hear it. I was once best friends with Klarion. I grew up around him trying to learn new spells. Besides, I understand any and all languages that come from latin roots. Dragons were the first to speak it, after all."

I turn to Ivo and salute him. "Thank you for the information, Professor. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be taking our leave." With that, we all turn and walk out of the room. Zatanna walks beside me, and asks me a question. "So, you were best friends with a Lord of Chaos?" She asks. "Of course. We grew up together, our kingdoms were technically next door neighbors." I explain. "But, he's hundreds of years old." She protests.

"I never said I wasn't." I state. "So how old are you?" Miss M asks, everyone else turning to look at me. I smirk. "Like I told you all, dragons, when in our realm, physically age much slower than humans do. We age the same as humans when we come here, to this realm. Believe it or not, I'm a lot older than you may think, I just look like I'm physically seventeen." "And your real age would be?" Kid asks. "Not telling. Not anytime soon at least." I answer. "But Klarion and I were born around the same century."

(AN: Bit of a short chapter. Sorry. Not sorry. It's almost 3 in the morning now, so Imma update this chapter, and no more for now. Maybe more tomorrow. But no promises. Enjoy!)

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