Are You Convinced That You Belong?

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I walk into the living room/kitchen area, only to find Superboy staring at a blank TV, or whatever it's called, covered head to toe in a combination of food, and M'gann chopping onions. I hear Red Tornado come up beside me, and look around. He then turns to leave. Apparently, even an android can feel the awkward tension in the room.

Walking over to the fridge, I open the door and grab a piece of food. It's red, and round. I think it's an apple. I turn to face the others, who haven't moved other than to see who's here, and take a bite. Bits of food go flying through the air not a second after.

I start coughing, gaining the attention of both supers, and promptly attempt to stifle my coughing. "Emma, what's wrong?" M'gann asks as I finish, breathing heavily. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, staring at what I thought was an apple. "What is this, M'gann?" I ask, showing it to her. "Uh, a tomato?" She says, but it sounds more like a question than a statement. I roll my eyes.

"Human food is still so strange to me." I mutter, throwing it away, "I thought it was an apple." "We don't... have any apples right now." She tells me. "Hmph. And I was so hoping I'd get to try one." I state, walking out of the room. I wonder around the cave for a little bit, thinking as I go. Then I notice something. Robin, Wally, and Artemis have already gone home, as was obvious. But where was Kaldur'ahm? He wasn't with M'gann or Superboy, and I haven't seen him anywhere around the cave. He could be in his room, as each member has one here in the cave, but I doubt he'd be in there.

Needless to say, I went and checked. Just a simple knock on the door, and a call out to him. No answer, and I couldn't hear his heartbeat, or sense his aura. Going back to the kitchen, the only difference is now, M'gann is in front of the stove, cooking. "M'gann?" I ask. She turns to look at me. "Do you know where Kaldur is? I can't find him." She thinks for a second before shaking her head. "I haven't seen him since I bumped into him after he left your room." I blush just the tiniest bit at that, and mumble a quick thank you before leaving once more. Where could he have gone? I wonder.

(Kaldur'ahm's POV:)

I have been troubled since I left Emma in her room to sleep. For quite some time, my mind has been going back to Atlantis, back to Tula, but lately, it's been going back and forth. Between Tula and Atlantis, and the Dryland and Emma. I've held affections for Tula for such a long time now, I was sure it was her that I loved. But after meeting Emma, Esmeralda; even with finding out what she really is, I am not so certain of my feelings anymore. Not towards either of them. I care for them deeply, but I cannot be sure just how deep it is for whom.

I go in the Zeta tube, and head to Atlantis. It has been some time, and I hope to see if anything has changed since my leaving. Once I get there, I had decided to at least try and ask Tula to be mine. If she did not return my affections, then I hope that we may at least remain friends.

(Time Skip to Dinner:)

The King and his wife stand up from the table together, smiling. "We have an announcement." He tells us. "I am with child." The queen states. I smile, and Tula goes up to hug her highness. "Oh, that is wonderful." "Congratulations." I tell them, "An heir to the throne, at last." I look over to the prince. "Apologies, Prince Orm. I did not mean-" I am cut off my him.

"No fear, Kaldur. No one could be more thrilled at this news than I." He states. "Thank you, brother. Thanks to you all." The King tells us. He goes to kiss his wife, and I glance at Tula by my side.

"Superman to Aquaman. League emergency in Tokyo Bay. Rendezvous at the Watchtower." The communicator in Aquaman's belt goes off. "Acknowledged. It seems I must take my leave." He tells us, before turning to me. "Swim with me." I follow him.

"Batman has made me aware of your dilemma." He tells me. I look away, not knowing how to feel. "I know, from personal experience it can be difficult to live there and love here." We reach the Zeta tubes, and he types in his destination before turning back to me. "I am confident you will make the right choice." He tells me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smile, saluting him before he leaves. I am still uncertain of what I must do, and what could happen, but now maybe I can see and think a little clearer.

(Dracona's POV:)

I'm sitting against the wall in the training/missions room, reading another book, The Neverending Story, with Batman working on the computer, when the Zeta tubes go off, stating that Aqualad has returned to the cave. I smile, closing my book as he walks up to talk to Batman. Carefully, I creep up behind him. It's actually quite funny really, how when you're usually so quiet, and know how to sneak around, how people will barely notice that you're there.

"Make you decision?" Batman asks. "The decision is made. I am here. One hundred percent." Kaldur answers. I smile, going up to hug him from behind. He jumps, and I can't help but let out a little chuckle as he relaxes, seeing it is only me.

"Now are you convinced that you belong up here?" I ask him. He stares at me, surprised. "You were awake during that?" He asks. I nod. "Yes, but it was a little hard for me to move. Thank you, by the way." I tell him, stepping away to go to his side. He gives me a small smile, and I see a slight blush on his cheeks. "You came just in time for your next mission." Batman states, and we both look over to him as the others arrive.

(A.N.: Quick question, everyone. While I was doing Kaldur's POV, did it really sound like him, on this chapter and Little Miss Dragon Scales With Her Heart Racing. I'm not sure, and I want to check back with all of you. I'd appreciate any comments or messages on what you think of his POV. Thank you. That's all for tonight.)

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