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(A.N.: Wow guys, I can't believe it. Chapter 50 already. Jeez. I'd like to thank you all for reading this and for enjoying it so much.)

I'm feeling better now that I've had a chance to rest and restore my energy, but I'm going to have these scars for the rest of my life. I'm glad to be alive at all. Kaldur has been checking on me every few hours or so, that is, when he's not already by my side. I don't really mind it, though. I like being close to him. It feels like we're even closer than we were before.

Right now, he's training against Robin on the platform, points being added with each dodge, block, and attack they throw at each other. I'm sitting against one of the walls, a book open in my lap. It was about a boy who was hundreds of years old. He and his dog went from place to place helping people fix their problems, but once they heard the sound of a bell, they had to leave.

I currently have no idea what's going on in my book, however, due to me watching the two boys fight at the moment. Their training session ends after Robin lunges, throwing a swing, and Kaldur dodging it by doing a back hand-spring. I stand up to walk over to them as Connor, M'gann, and Wolf come walking in through one hall.

"You know they're a couple, right?" Robin asks us, a small smile on his face. "I believe I knew before they did." Kaldur answers. I smile at him, "And I believe I know before you." I state, clutching my book to my chest. He smiles at me, before we turn around and see Wally and Artemis walking in through another hallway. "Do we tell them?" Robin asks. "It is not our place." Kaldur advices. "Besides, they already like each other, they just don't realize it, or simply just don't want to admit it... Don't tell Artemis that I told you." I add that last bit after a little bit of thought. Robin chuckles.

"So, either of you want to spar? I'd really like to do something other than sit and read." I state, taking my cloak off. "No, Emma. You're still recovering. You mustn't strain yourself too much." I give Kaldur a dirty look. "I'm fine. They're just scars now." I say, before gaining a smirk.

I drop to the ground, and promptly kick his feet out from under him. He lands on his back, and a screen pops up telling us that he failed. He gets up on his elbows and looks at me, stunned. "I'm not helpless just because I gained a few scars, Kaldur. A little hand-to-hand combat isn't gonna kill me." His face hardens, with a slight smile at his lips as he nods and stands up.

We both get into our poses, stepping away from my cloak and book. He lunges first, swinging his arm just a little to the right. With a simple step to the left, his fist flies past me. I grab his wrist and flip him over. He lands on his back once again. The screen pops up once again.

I lend my hand out to him and pull him back to his feet. When we let go, I place my hand on my hip. "Don't go easy on me, Kaldur. Give it all you've got. That's what training is for." I say, getting in position once more. Once he's in his, I lunge for him, throwing a punch. He dodges, grabbing my wrist like I had his. He tries to flip me, but just as he lets go of me, I twist in the air so that I land on my feet. He runs up to me and does a twist-kick, aimed for my stomach. I grab onto his ankle at contact, and use his momentum to swing him across the platform.

He does a back hand-spring and lands on his feet once more, just as Batman comes walking through the Zeta-Tubes. He's marching towards the middle of the platform. "Computer, national news." The room automatically darkens as a screen pulls up, showing a woman with blonde hair reporting what's happening. "The initial attack was short-lived, but Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve." The screen shows what looks like giant plants destroying the buildings around them. "And despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice League, there seems to be no end in sight.

(A.N.: OOOOOOOOHHH! Kaldur just got his butt kicked!!! HAHA. A little boring and short, I know, but more is coming soon.)

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