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(Kaldur's POV:)

I quickly pick Esmeralda's feet up from the ground, my arms supporting her back and under her knees. Her head lays on my shoulder like it did after that fight against Clayface. "Get into the ship, now." I say, and we all run in, taking off the moment we're all sitting down, me holding Emma in my lap. It's silent as we're flying back to the cave.

Suddenly, Megan gasps and the ship swerves to the right. My grip on Emma tightens as we barrel roll in a full circle. "M'gann!" I say. "We have no time for tricks, what is going on?" I ask, looking back at her. She looks up at me. I see that she is in tears, somewhat sobbing.

"Y-You guys... m-might wanna look at t-this..." She says, before her eyes turn glowing white. Images show up inside my head, and I close my eyes to see them better.

(Emma's momory:)

I'm riding on my horse in between my father and brother Jem, my golden armor shining in the sun, and my sword strapped tightly to my waist. Phillip is on the other side of father, his head held high as he looks where the earth meets the horizon. There's a small smile on my face as I feel so proud as to finally be allowed to go hunting with my father and my brothers.

I look over to my right, just passed Jem, when I see something with brown fur dodge behind a tree. It's at the edge of a forest. "Father," I say, "I saw something move over there." I point to the tree the creature hid behind. "Excellent observation skills, Esmeralda." He tells me, placing his hand on my head as a meaning of endearment. I smile up at him, pride swelling in my chest.

We ride our mounts into the forest line, but there wasn't anything near where I saw the creature hide. I look down, feeling slight embarrassment as my brothers chuckle at my mistake. It is because I look down that I found tracks of some sort. "Father, look." I point. He looks as well and nods, slinging his sword from it's sheath. "It's close. We'll find it faster if we split up." He tells us. "James, you take your sister, make sure to help each other out. Keep each other safe. I'll take Phillip with me."

We all nod and go into our separate groups as told. Father and Phillip went one way, Jem and I went the other. Eventually, having gone deeper and deeper into the trees, we managed to find the tracks again, but they seemed to be all over the place. To my left, I saw a pond with lily pads on top. I know father told us to stay away from any and all large forms of water, but I've never seen what was wrong with it. I've known of the war for as long as I can remember, stories of our victories and losses ran constantly through my head, but I failed to see how water could do anything to hurt me.

"Okay, Es." Jem says to me, "The tracks go separate ways. You'll take one, and I'll take the other. If you find the animal, send out a whistle, like the one you and I use when we're hiding from the nurse maid. Wait for me to come help. Don't get too close if it's a big one." He tells me, his voice stern. I nod, my expression serious. "Oh, and sister?" He says, before turning away. "Stay away from the water." I nod, before going the other way, following the tracks that he didn't pick.

Eventually, I follow the tracks all the way to the water's edge. I stay back a few feet, dismounting my horse. I bring two fingers up to my lips, and whistle the way Jem taught me when we were a few years younger. As soon as I lower my hand back down, I hear a noise from the water, and turn to look. There's nothing there, but ripples are flowing from a few feet from the water's shore. I look at them in confusion.

Suddenly, a head pops out from the water, with thick, green skin. It was a woman with long hair as green as seaweed, and eyes the color of moss. Her lips, the shade of a dark teal, pursed as if in confusion. The moment she saw me, however, she smiled. "Why, hello there. Would you like to swim with me?" She asked, lifting her hand out of the water, beckoning me to come closer. I take a step away. "M-My father says that the water's not safe." I tell her, my fear showing.

"Oh it's perfectly safe, deary." She coos, coming closer to the shore, revealing the gills above her collar bones. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you." She claims sweetly. I hesitantly take a step closer. "Who are you?" I ask, wearily. "My name's Tallíki. Who are you?" She asks, revealing the top of an aquamarine blue dress, that was absolutely breathtaking. "E-Esmeralda. O-of the fire and air kingdom." I stutter. I move to walk away. "Please, I must get going. My father must be looking for me by now."

At this, she smiles and lifts her hands from the water, "No, please. Won't you come swim with me?" She asks, her smile revealing her sharp teeth. A stream of water lifts from the pond, coming towards me. My eyes wide, I jump to the side, a scream of terror coming from my throat. Unfortunately, the water reacts like a whip and wraps around my waist, pulling me to the ground, dragging me closer and closer with my claws dug into the dirt...

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