A Plan

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"I was just trying to be part of the team." I hear a voice say. "To be honest, I'm not sure we really have a team. Take Dracona somewhere safe. Whatever happened to her, she's down for the count." Someone else says. I hear footsteps, and I slowly open my eyes. I sit up, groaning. Pain erupts in my chest once more, and I fall back down to the ground. "Shialut!" I mutter.
"Dracona!" I see M'gann coming to sit by me. "Are you okay?" She asks. "I'll be fine." I tell her, looking down at my outfit, which is now singed, showing where I got hit. "But your outfit, your chest." She protests. I wave her away. "I'm fine." I get up slowly, ignoring the massive aching in my chest.
She stands up, and we get into the bioship. "Why aren't you flying?" She asks me. "I don't have much strength left at the moment. Meaning I won't be able to fly for very long." I answer, tying my cloak back around my neck. I take a seat to her left, and the seat buckles me in itself. As we take off, she calls up Red Tornado at the cave.
"The team really needs your help." She says when he answers. "If I intervened, it would not be to help. Still, it is an odd coincidence that this Twister shares my elemental abilities, and my immunity to telepathy." Red answers. "Hello, Megan." She exclaims. I see the gears twisting in her head and know that she's come up with a plan.
'Listen to me, all of you.' She says telepathically. My head starts hurting as they all continue to talk. 'What did we tell you?' I hear Superboy say. 'I know, and I know I messed up, but now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please, trust me.' She starts relaying the plan to us, before dropping me off a little ways away from where the others are. I start running to them, hoping I'll be able to help somehow.
"Dracona. You shouldn't be here. You're injured." Aqualad states noticing me. "But kicking his saatre would make me feel a lot better." I state. "Hit the showers, boys. I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly you cannot." M'gann states, coming down disguised as Red Tornado. "What am I, chopped prilvex?" I mutter. "You should be resting, Dracona. That hit did more than burn your outfit." I narrow my eyes at her. The sarcasm is not necessary.
"But we've got a plan now." Robin protests. "The subject is not up for debate." She replies. We all walk away from her, getting into our positions and watching, waiting. "I was beginning to believe you'd never show up." Twister calls. "I'm here now." She replies. She raises her hand, and a tornado, and a tornado appeared, going towards Twister. He counters with another tornado, making it bigger and sending it back.
"We are evenly matched, Twister." She states, sending rocks from behind her. "No, Tornado, we are not." Twister counters, blocking the attack and sending power blasts at M'gann, who narrowly dodges. The blasts hits a motor boat and it explodes. She falls to the ground, pretending to be knocked out. Twister goes over, and from his fingertips come these weird looking cords. From my limited knowledge of human devices and such, I'd say he's trying to "reboot" 'Tornado'.
"Remain still, android. The reprogramming won't take long." He states. M'gann grabs the cords and takes them off her head before showing her real face, stating, "Longer than you might think." "No." She pushes him into a twister, which is generated by Kid. When he falls out, he tumbles backwards into Superboy, who punches him hard enough to cause sparks and smoke to fly. He then hits him into the water. Not ten seconds after, he comes flying back out of the water, where I'm waiting. I slash at his outer armor, and cut through the blue tubes connected to his back with my claws.
He falls to the ground, where Miss M picks him up, and breaks off the rest of the tubing, and his other robotic arm. Robin throws his disks, which explode on impact, and he falls back down to the ground. Static flies, and he gets up to his knees. The chest opens, and a man falls out on his hands and knees, before looking up at us.
"Foul. I-I call foul." He says. M'gann grabs a rock and abruptly brings it over on top of him, smashing him to smitereens. "M'gann, no!" Aqualad tries to stop her. But he's too late. Robin comes up to us, seething in anger. "Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth, we don't execute our captives!" He yells. "And you," He turns on me, "You were standing right next to her, why didn't you stop her?!"
"You said you trusted us," M'gann and I say at the same time. I place my hand on my hip as we watch M'gann lift the rock, showing the broken down android. We all walk up to it. "That's why I couldn't read his mind." "And why I couldn't sense his aura, or hear his heart." We explain. Wally picks up one of the glass eyes. "Cool. Souvenir."
"We should have had more faith in you. Both of you." Kaldur says, placing a hand on Megan's shoulder. "Yeah. You two rocked this mission. Get it? Rocked. Heh." Wally states. "Ignore him. We're all just turbed you're on the team." Robin says.
"Heh. Thanks, me too." Megan replies. "Just glad to be a part of something." I state. "Can we get back to the cave now?" I ask, placing a hand on my chest. "Getting hit by lightning is exhausting, and very painful. I'm not used to it anymore."
"That's how you were injured? And you survived!?" Wally asks. I nod, confused. "Yes. Don't people usually survive getting hit by lightning?" I question. All of their faces turn to shock at that. "No. More often than not, a person can die from being struck by lightning." I think Robin's answer over in my head. I shrug.
"Huh. I thought normal humans were stronger than that. Oh well. I still have much to learn. Now can we please go? Just because I was once used to getting hit by lightning doesn't mean it hurts any less now. The pain's growing worse the longer we stand here." I say, walking over to where the bioship is. Within seconds, they're all following me.

(A.N.: The necklace is what she wears underneath her cloak and leotard, so it's hidden from the teams eyes. It's very important to her, but you won't find out why until later.)

A Dragon's Love (Young Justice)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon