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Rustling in the distance captures our attention, and we look around the clearing. I step away from the others, staring into the darkness where most of the noise is originating. The ground rumbles, and rocks are rattling below our feet; the shaking increasing with each second. "Is this what as Earthquake feels like?" I ask, but I get no answer. Then, this giant creature with a trunk, tusks, and tears in its skin comes barreling out of the surrounding darkness, knocking trees down as it goes.

"What is that?" I ask. Captain Marvel leaps forward, encountering it and hitting it in the middle of it's head. It moves back against the force. Then, another one comes from Kaldur's and my right.

The one in front of us comes closer, attempting to squish us under one of it's feet. We both jump away, Aqualad going one way, me going the other. That, however, doesn't work. As we're running, the two beasts move to our sides, smacking us each with their trunks, over to where Captain Marvel is. There's a tiger in front of us.

I'm the first on my feet, and I face the two animals. Quickly, I take off my cloak, allowing my wings to snap out from my back. I ready my stance. One raises it's trunk and trumpets, before stampeding closer. Before it can even get close enough to touch us with it's trunk, I jump up and punch it in the head, much like Captain Marvel did, but with more force. It slides back into the other one and falls over.

Then a beast attacks me from the side. I instantly recognize it as a tiger. I freeze for only a moment. I'm not supposed to harm a tiger. It is against my people's beliefs. That moment of hesitation was my mistake.

With a swift swipe from the tiger's paw, my leotard is torn and there are claw marks across my neck and stomach. I scream in pain. With all my strength, I push the sacred creature off of me, getting to my feet. It flies into a tree, before getting back up again. I slowly back away from the tiger, before it suddenly just takes off. I watch it run away. I look around me, and find Aqualad and Captain Marvel standing, watching the two giants walk away.

Carefully, I walk over and pick up my cloak, studying my injuries before covering them up. I've only lost a little bit of blood, but it seems to have stopped for now. I'll need to be careful to make sure I don't strain them, otherwise they'll begin to bleed again, and harder.

After I make sure my cloak is tied tightly around my neck, I painfully walk over to the other two, catching in on their conversation. "And Miss Martian failed to establish a telepathic link before we split up." "Actually, you let everyone split up before communications were set." The Captain counters. "They would not listen!" Aqualad states.

"I guess. But back at the cave, Batman stopped everyone from arguing with one word." "Because Batman is... Batman." I've never seen Kaldur so angry and frustrated. "Hey, you don't have to tell me. When I first joined the League, all he did was boss me around. And it's hard not to take it personally. But... I never disobeyed an order, and that's probably what kept me alive." Marvel advises. "That's better than how he is around me." I comment. "He still doesn't trust me. I'm surprised you do." I tell him. "Hey, you're a girl that can turn into a dragon. What's not cool about that?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips, beaming. I stare down at my feet. "You wouldn't think so if you were there that day..." I mutter.

"Batman takes command." Kaldur says, as if to himself. "He has to... for the good of the League. Thank you for helping me understand." "Hey, Wisdom of Soloman." Captain says, pointing to his head. 'Aqualad, Dracona, can you hear me?' Miss M asks through telepathy. "Yes, Miss Martian. Report." Kaldur answers. 'Artemis and I were attacked by animals wearing inhibitor collars, like those used on convicts at Bellreve Prison.' At this, Aqualad and I glance at each other.

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