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  "I'm Wally. See, I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark glasses over here. Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder from telling anyone his real name." "Mine's no secret. It's M'gann M'orzz. Like, you can call me Megan. It's an Earth name, and I'm on Earth now." They all turn to look at me. "What is your real name, Dracona?" M'gann asks.
"I cannot tell you my real name, as it will only cause trouble later in the future. Instead, you may call me Emma. Emma Sapheria Jones." I state. Superboy goes to walk away. He grunts, turning to look at M'gann annoyed. "Get out of my head!" He yells.
'What's wrong? I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically.' I hear Megan's voice in my head, and fall to my knees in pain, grunting. "M'gann, stop Things are different on Earth. Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy." "Besides, Cadmus' creepy little psychic Genomes left a bad taste in his brain."
"I-I didn't mean to-" "Just stay out." Superboy says, interrupting her. "Superboy." I say, sternly. Everyone turns to look at me. I'm seething ragged breaths, kneeling to the ground. "She didn't... mean to. She's not... familiar with Earth's ways." I say, grabbing the counter to get back to my feet. "Are you okay, Emma?" Megan asks. "I'll be... fine. It's just... been a long time... since someone spoke to me through... telepathy." I say, leaning heavily on the counter.
"Hello, Megan. I know what we can do." She says, face palming before flying out of the room. Kaldur'ahm comes over to me and lends out his hand. I take it and lean on his arm as we walk through the door. We get into an elevator, and I'm able to stand on my own now. "It's my Martian Bioship." Megan exclaims as we walk out.
An oval shaped object sits in the middle of the landing area. "Cute. Not aerodynamic, but cute." Wally states. "It's at rest silly. I'll wake it." She waves her arm, and it turns around, transforming into a more aerodynamic shaped ship. "Well, are you coming?" She asks. I take off my cloak, adjusting my mask to hide my crown, before handing it to Megan. "You all go ahead. I'll follow." I say. "Please keep my cloak in the bioship, Megan." She nods.
"How are you going to follow us?" Wally asks. "You'll see me. Just keep looking out the windows." I say, not turning around. They all get in the bioship and the door closes. The bay doors open, and the bioship takes off. I jump off the landing area, and within seconds, my wings snap out of my back, catching the wind as I begin falling, sending me skyward. I easily catch up to the ship, and start flying in circles in front of it.
(3rd POV:)
The team was in their seats, looking out the windows. "Incredible." Robin states. Wally sighs, "She sure is." Megan turns to look at him. "I-I mean the ship, which, like all ships, is a she." "Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth." Robin states. "Dude!"
"I may not have psychic powers, but I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted, and you don't know how to apologize. Just say sorry." Kaldur advises Superboy, trying to help.
"He'll come around." Robin tells Megan. "He doesn't seem to like me very much." She replies. "You guys remember he has super hearing, right?" Wally asks them. "Hey, how 'bout showing us a little Martian shape-shifting?" Robin asks, trying to brighten the mood. M'gann stands up, and all the boys turn to watch as she turns into a female version of Robin, then Kid Flash.
"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Wally asks, staring dreamily at her. "Impressive." Robin claps, "But you know you're not exactly gonna fool anybody with those." "Mimicking boys is a lot harder." She says, turning around, becoming Dracona without her cloak. "And your clothes?" Kaldur asks. "They're organic, like the ship. They respond to my mental commands." "As long as they're the only ones." Superboy replies, turning back around.
"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Wally asks. "Density Shifting? No. I-It's a very advanced technique." "Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall. Heh heh heh. When he tries it, bloody nose." Robin laughs. "Dude!" Wally exclaims, not noticing the dark shadow fly up from his window.
"What was that?" Robin asks, everyone turns to look at him. He's looking out the windows. "What is it?" Kaldur asks. "I saw something- There it is." He states, pointing. Everyone looks, only to see Dracona flying right beside the window, looking in at them. They're all stunned to see large white wings connecting to her back. Both wings appearing to be twice the length of her arms. They watch her as she flies around the ship multiple times. "Oh, here's another thing I can do," M'gann states, remembering. "Camouflage mode." Dracona stops flying, hovering as she looks around. Closing her eyes, she uses her senses to find where they are. Within seconds, she's flying right beside them once again, to all of their shock.
A.N.: Ok, so you all may have noticed that Dracona mentioned that she was wearing a crown, so the picture above is what it looks like.  

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