Going to the Beach

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I woke up this morning at the same time as usual, but this time something was different. I could sense it. Something wasn't where it was supposed to be. My eyes snap open, and I sit up in my bed, only to see M'gann in my room. "What are you doing in here?" I ask her, my voice monotone as usual, despite my annoyance at her for coming in without permission.
"Oh, good. You're awake." She says, looking through my drawers, "Where do you keep your swim suit at? I can't seem to find it." She asks. "I don't have one." I say, getting up to move her away from my drawers. "You don't have a swim suit? But everyone was planning to go to the beach today." She pouts. I catch her looking at me though. "You... wear your mask while you sleep?" She asks. I shake my head at her, picking out a dress for the day.
"Of course I do, incase someone comes in without my knowledge." I give her a pointed look. She sheepishly rubs her arm, looking anywhere but at me. I sigh. "I'll go to the beach with you, but don't ask me to go swimming." I say. She smiles and goes to hug me. I duck out from under her arm, and head into the bathroom. I quickly change into my dress, and braid my hair up.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My mask is off, set aside on the counter, and my crown is set by it. my eyes are in slits, my skin is white and covered in scales, and when I smile, my teeth are razor sharp. My mask, which was given to me by Fate, is enchanted to hide my eyes, and make them look human. It also helps keep my skin and teeth from transforming when I'm under stress. With a sigh, I put my crown back on, and my mask as well. The mask only covers the front of my crown, the rest of it is still visible, meaning there's a good chance the others will see it today. Not like I care right now.
I walk back out into my room, and luckily, Megan is nowhere to be found. I sigh, grabbing my book and a towel before heading out into the hallway. I instantly smell something cooking and head over to the kitchen. Standing in front of the stove is Megan, cooking breakfast for everyone here. The rest of the team, except for Wally is sitting at the counter/table that connects the kitchen to the "TV room". I look over at them to see Kaldur staring at me. They're all in their swim wear already, except Megan as she cooks.
I go over to them and sit down by Kaldur'ahm. "Blink, before you lose your vision." I tell him. He does so, and looks back to the other two boys. I open my book and begin reading. "Hey, Emma. Why aren't you wearing a swim suit?" Robin asks. "She doesn't have one." M'gann answers for me, setting down the food on my other side.
"You don't have one?" Robin asks. "Why not?" I simply don't answer as I set my book down and begin serving myself what I want to eat. Kaldur looks over at me, then looks back as if in a double take. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye.
"What is that?" He asks. The others turn to look. "Oh, it's so pretty." What does the front look like?" M'gann asks, leaning in to touch. I grab her wrist lightly, still looking down at my food. "Please don't touch." I say. I'm the first to finish, and I set my plate in the sink before going to sit on the couch, waiting for the rest of them.

(Kaldur'ahm's POV:)
I was watching Dracona reading on the couch as I ate my food. There's just something about her; I can't place my finger, but something about her tells me that she's different from everyone, even us. "Hmm. She's certainly a strange one." Robin mutters, but we all hear.
"Well, that is a little true. She really doesn't let anyone touch her... well, except for maybe Kaldur." M'gann states. I look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Haven't you noticed?" She asked me, "She constantly shies away from any physical contact. She even did it to me this morning. But she's let you touch her a few times, like during missions." She states. I think about it, and Megan is right. But why does Emma do it? I wonder.
"You all realize I can hear what you're saying, correct?" We hear Emma ask from the couch. We all turn red, most likely me most of all. "Sorry, Emma." Robin tells her. "It's fine. After all, you don't know very much about me." She tells us. "Don't worry. In due time, you'll get to know me better."

(Esmeralda's POV:)

We arrive at the beach, just outside of the cave. I walk alongside Kaldur, and M'gann is jogging in front of us, carrying a small board in her arms. She stops just feet away from the water's edge. The boys stand a little ways behind her, while I keep my distance.
"Hello, Megan. We should hit the beach every day." She says, excitedly. I grimace to myself. Not that any of them would see, they're all looking at the water. "First, a moment of silence for our, absent comrade." Robin says, acting all gloomy. "Poor Wally." M'gann adds.
The others get in the water while I sit down in the sand, where it's safe and dry. I watch them wearily for a little while before opening my book and beginning to read again. Not too long afterwards, a shadow passes over me and I look up to see Kaldur standing in front of me, looking down. Water drips from his skin, almost hitting me. He kneels down.
"Are you enjoying yourself over here? You were looking rather lonely." He says. I nod my head. "I am enjoying myself. But I don't mind having a conversation with someone as well." I tell him. "Then would you mind if I join you?" He asks. I give him a small smile. "I wouldn't mind at all." I reply.

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