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Black Canary has been our den mother this week, meaning a lot more combat training than usual. I'm not complaining or anything, I've been needing some exercise as it is. I haven't been doing very much these past few days other than read my books, play with Phyrix, or alternate cooking with M'gann for the team.

At the moment, Canary's got us all training in pairs. Robin against Artemis, M'gann against Kaldur, and I'm against Superboy. Wally's sitting to the side in a blue chair, relaxing. Ever since his arm was broken against the Injustice League, Captain Marvel has been waiting on him hand and foot.

I dodge a punch that Connor throws, and duck as he swings his arm the other way. I send a punch to his stomach that he uses to his advantage. With his hand around my wrist, he reels me around, tossing me into the air. I barely have time to fix myself before hitting the ground.

"Good work, everyone." Canary states, walking up to the arena. "In fact, it's been a very productive week." "Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer." Artemis states, as Connor and I walk up to her, M'gann, Kaldur, and Canary. Of course, Wally is listening and objects. "Hey! Arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here." He says, waving his arm around. "I still don't understand why you wouldn't just let me heal you." I tell him.

Canary chuckles. "I've really enjoyed being your, uh, 'den mother', this week." She tells us. "Recognized: Zatara, one, one." The Zeta tubes state. We all look over to see Zatara walking out and begin typing on a holo-computer. "Access granted." Says the computer, "Zatanna, Zatara. A03. Authorization: Zatara, one, one." The Zeta tube lights up again, and a girl walks out. Her hair is black and she's wearing clothes similar to Zatara.

"Zatanna, this is the team." Zatara introduces, "Team, my daughter, Zatanna." M'gann flies in front of her, "Hi! I'm-" Robin cuts her off, though. "Robin! Ahem. I mean, I'm Robin. Heh. She's M'gann, and that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Emma, and Connor." He tells her. "Welcome to the cave." Kaldur adds.

"Thanks." She replies, looking back at Robin. "So, uh, are you joining the team?" Robin asks. I smirk. Someone's crushing, bad. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Zatara interrupts, taking off his top hat. "This is strictly a visit. But I am sorry we missed the training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit." He continues, turning to speak with Canary.

'Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?' M'gann asks through a link. 'Not just Zatara. I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?' Connor asks, gesturing to him. 'I'm constantly on probation with almost the entire League. It's nothing new to me.' I comment, crossing my arms. 'Why would you be on probation with the League?' Artemis asks. I look at her. 'Oh, yeah. You weren't there when I said I destroyed an entire park.' I say, bringing my hand up to pinch between my eyes.

'To be continued,' Wally says, going back on subject. 'And to answer your question, it's because we like having him around.' 'You like having him around,' Artemis argues, smirking, 'Cause he waits on you hand and foot.' 'And your point is?' He asks. 'It's not fair to take advantage of someone like that, Wally.' I think.

(A.N.: Wow, this chapter's really short. Oh well, just means the next one'll be longer.)

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