The Best Of Travels To You, Kent...

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Inside the helmet, Wally shouts and dances in victory. "Yes! That's how we kick it on the earthly plane!" He yells. Fate simply stands there. "Uh, it's-it's over, right? So, why isn't Nabu taking off the helmet?" He asks. Dracona turns to face Fate. "Nabu." She states. "The Earth needs Doctor Fate." He tells both in the helmet, and to Dracona. "I will not release this body." "Nabu, this is not the right candidate." Kent tells him.

Emma reaches up and touches the center of Fate's helmet, closing her eyes. Instantly, she is inside the helmet and sees Kent and Wally. "Nabu. You cannot take Wally as Doctor Fate. He belongs to the world of science, he doesn't understand sorcery, let alone how to wield it." She tells him.

"That is true, Kent, Princess. But I do not appreciate being permanently hidden away, useless, and isolated for decades at a time. Chaos must not be allowed to reign." Nabu states. "That won't happen again." Kent tells him. "Wally and I will take the helmet, and make sure you're put to good use, Fate. Esmeralda adds in. "And in the meantime, I'll stick around, keep you company." Kent offers.

"Wait. What happened to you ascending, seeing Inza?" Wally asks. Kent smiles. "So you believe now, eh? Don't sweat it, kid. I'll spend a few millenia here, then see Inza. That's the greath thing about eternity. It's eternal." He says, looking at the picture of Inza in his watch. Emma turns to face Nabu once more. "What do you say, Fate?" She asks. He's silent for a moment.

"The bargain is acceptable." He states. Emma smiles, bowing in gratitude. Kent turns to her and Wally. "Some free advice before you go. Kid, find your own little spitfire, one who won't let you get away with nothin'." He says, "And be careful around Emma. She doesn't forgive too easily." I grumble at him. He turns to me. "And you, your highness. You've improved very much since you joined the team. You've changed so much since we first met. Keep up the good work, but quit being so serious all the time; and don't be afraid to fall in love again. I hear there's a certain someone on that team that seems to have taken quite a liking to you." He tells her before the room turns white, and Kent disappears.

(Dracona's POV:)

I open my eyes to see Wally's face, helmet in his hands. We look over to see Kent's body laying on the ground. My dragon-like features melt away into human's once again as we walk over to him, kneeling down. I place his head on my lap. I take my hood off as tears begin to fall once again.

Wally grabs his hand, then pulls away, revealing Kent's pocket watch in his closed hand. I close my eyes, leaning down to give a kiss to his head. "The best of travels to you, Kent." I whisper against his forehead before sitting up to look at Wally. He stares at me sadly, and closes his eyes.


We're back at the cave, and I watch as Wally sets the Helmet of Fate down on the souvenir shelf. After the team found us, Wally's barely said a word, nothing more than a 'I'm fine.' and a 'We're ok.' Here and there. But me... I wouldn't say one word. I couldn't. I simply went to the ship, sat down, and stared out the window as we made our way home. I was too hurt to care, really. I couldn't stop the silent tears from falling. I was in too much pain to notice the others staring at me in remorse.

I turn to leave, but am stopped by Wally's voice. "Emma?" He asks. I look at him over my shoulder. "I'm sorry... I should have listened. Kent would still be here if I had." "The only one at fault is Klarion. He's the one that caused Kent's heart to stop beating, not you." I say. "And... And I'm sorry for insulting you. That was never my intent." I sigh, nodding. I walk out of the room, passing Artemis as I go. She gives me a sad look, but doesn't say a word. She goes into the room with Wally, and I hear them conversing, but I don't listen in to what they're saying. I'm so lost in my own thoughts that I barely register bumping into someone.

"Emma?" They ask. I look up, my eyes reaching those of Kaldur'ahm. He looks at mine in surprise. Not that I'd blame him. I'd taken my mask off since we got back, so my eyes were currently red slits, covered in the shade of my cloak's hood. "Zyel." I apologize, going to walk away. He grabs my arm gently, and pulls me back to look at him.

I stare up into his eyes, before breaking into sobs and hugging him tightly. He wraps his arms around me gently. "I lost my father figure. My childhood best friend killed him, and it hurts. It hurts so much." I cry. He pets my head and rubs my upper back, attempting to sooth me, "Shh. It's ok. You'll be alright." He whispers to me, "It'll get better."

It was then that I realized. He knows what I am, and still, he was trying to help me. That's something no one's ever really done, other than Fate and Kent. It was then, I realized that Kaldur truly did care about me.

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