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I follow the bioship as it goes to land at a building that I'm not familiar with. With the wind in my ears, I couldn't hear any of the conversation spoken in the ship. However, I turn around upon hearing what sounds like a massive wind storm. I instantly see a giant tornado coming straight for the ship. Without a second thought, I grab the ship by the wing, and try my best to move it out of the way, I succeed, only to be sucked in myself.
As I'm spinning around inside, it gets a little harder for me to breathe. My wings are being pulled at, and my mask is coming loose. Gathering up all my strength, I move so that I'm flying the same direction as the winds, and fly faster. Within seconds, I come out of the tornado, but my balance is off.
I begin to fall from the sky, I'm so dizzy. I feel something grab me, and slowly lower me down to the ground. I sit up to see everyone looking at me. "Thanks for the save. M'gann says. I nod. "Wait. That was you that threw us out of the tornado's way?" Robin asks. I nod again, gasping as I fix my mask. Megan hands me my cloak, and I wrap it around me instantly, my wings disappearing into my back.
"Robin, are tornado's common in New England? Robin?" We all turn to find him gone, that creepy laugh of his taking his place. "He was just here." Megan says, confused. We all run towards the factory, going inside. We see Robin fighting, and losing, against someone in a metal suit. Or is it just an android? "Who's your new friend?" Superboy asks, going in for the hit.
"Didn't catch his name, but he plays kinda rough." Robin calls out. "My apologies. You may address me as Mr. Twister." The bad guy says, throwing two tornadoes at us. Superboy got caught in them, and was abruptly thrown back against a wall. We all look at each other, Wally grabbing his goggles from out of his pocket and putting them on, before running to attack.
Kid speeds in front of us, and does a hand spring into the guy's chest, which does little effect. Instead, he's thrown through the open door, and he probably got road burn from how much he's skidding across the black top. Mr. Twister turns back around, only to spin away Kaldur'ahm and M'gann. I'm between them, and manage to not get hit, raising my hand, I slash down at his chest with my claws. Before I can get a second hit, he back hands me and I go flying backwards, hitting the wall and falling to the ground.
"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero. I was not, however, expecting children." Mr. Twister states. "We're not children!" Robin yells, throwing two disks. Twister deflects them with ease "Objectively, you are. The only one who's made even a scratch on me is the girl in the cloak." The disks explode on the other side of the room. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."
"Well, we hate to see you disturbed. Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can." Robin calls back as we all stand back up together. Miss Martian uses her powers to destroy a cover on a machine, billowing smoke throughout the room. Superboy jumps up in an attempt to punch him, but Twister quickly blows him away. Superboy hits M'gann in mid air, and they both fall to the ground.
Aqualad, Robin and I step out of their way, running up to Twister. He sends two twisters, which both boys get stuck in. I jump and flip over the two of them, Twister making them smash into each other, and use my strength to punch him out the door. "Indeed," he says, getting back up and going to fly away. "That was quite turbing. Thank you." The others all get up and follow me out the door, where Wally is distracting him.
"What have you done to my team?" He demands. "Embarrassed them, largely." He says, going to send Kid away. M'gann grabs him from the wind storm before it hits the wall of the factory. "I got you Wally." "Oh. Thanks." He says.
"I would have thought you had all learned your limitations by now." Twister taunts. I grit my teeth. "What do you want?" Aqualad yells, his aura growing darker in annoyance. "Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real hero." He answers, flying up. "Read his mind. Find a weakness." Aqualad tells M'gann. "I thought I wasn't supposed to do that." "It's ok with the bad guys." Robin yells. I smack him on the head. "Taking it out on your teammates isn't going to solve the problem." I state. "She won't be able to read his mind anyway. I sense no aura around him, and I hear no heart beat."
"Hello, Megan. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise. He's inorganic, an android. And how many androids do you that can generate tornadoes?" M'gann says. Somehow, I don't think she's correct. But the others seem to think she's right. "Red Tornado sent us here." Kaldur'ahm states. "After saying we'd be tested soon enough." Robin continues, "This is his test, something to keep us busy." "Speedy called it. We're a joke." Wally says, looking down.
"Since when did Speedy's opinion of this team matter?" I ask, "He's not a part of it, and he doesn't know me, Miss M or Superboy." I jump up with my cloak falling off, my wings snapping out as I fly up to Twister. I manage to land a punch that sends him back a few feet before a twister a twister sends me flying past the team to the ground. Before I touch, though, M'gann stops my fall and sets me down. "Thanks."
Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash go to walk up to him. "We know who you are and what you want." Robin calls. "So let's end this." Aqualad says. "Consider it ended." Twister replies, going higher and raising his arms to the sky, where a storm begins brewing.
"An impressive show, but we will not indulge you. We will not engage." Kaldur'ahm calls. Lightning strikes throughout the sky. "That's not Red Tornado." I state. "Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Kid asks, apparently he didn't hear me. "You think I'm Tornado? Ironic." Twister calls.
Lightning strikes the ground, sending an explosion to knock us all off our feet. Superboy is the first one up, I'm the second. We both take off to attack him, but he sends blasts. They hit Superboy, who falls back to the ground below. I narrowly dodge them and manage to leave a scratch on his face. He lifts his hand, and lightning strikes me in the chest. I scream out in pain, and before I can fall, he grabs my neck and holds me out in the air.
Not being able to keep myself up in the air, I start gasping for breath. With all the strength I can gather, I swing my feet and manage to kick him in the chest. He lets go of me and I fall down to the ground, landing next to the others. Pain erupts in my chest once more, and my vision goes black.
A.N.: This is what her dragon eyes look like. She usually keeps her eyes grey, and human, and her mask is enchanted to keep them looking human while she wears it.

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