Saved By A Brother

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With one last tug, I'm pulled into the water, up to my waist. That's when Tallíki wraps her hand around my wrist, pulling me in deeper. I scream and thrash harder and harder each second. I use all my strength to slip out of her grasp, but because she is much older, and the fact that I seem to be weaker in water, I can't do it. Just before my head is pulled under, I hear someone calling my name, "Esmeralda!"

Tallíki drags me further, and further down, towards the bottom of the pond. It is actually a lot deeper than I originally thought. I don't stop struggling. Grabbing her wrist that is around mine, my claws dig in to her flesh, turning the water into a murky green. She lets go of me in pain, and I do my best to swim back to the top. The armor around me drags me down further, despite my best efforts.

Movement above me catches my attention, and I look up as I struggle, seeing gold armor and black and red hair coming closer and closer. Red, slitted eyes meet mine and I realize that it's James. He grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest, unfurling his wings and using them as propellers to bring us back to the surface.

We both gasp as we break the surface, making our way to the shore as fast as possible. Once we're out of the water, plenty of feet away, we both fall to the ground, heaving lungful after lungful, deep breaths of air, and hand in hand. "W-what w-were you thinking?! Going so close to the water." He tells me, sitting up and frowning at me. "What would have happened if I hadn't come to save you? What then? Huh?!" "She dragged me in w-with a water whip. I-I'm s-sorry, Jem." I answer, the tears flowing from my eyes. Our gasping lessens to the point of normalcy and we stand up. I can't stop the tears from flowing.

Without saying anything, we start heading to our horses. I stare at the ground, trying to come to terms with what just happened. "Hey." I look up at James as he pulls me into a hug, "Are you okay?" He questions, whispering into my wet hair. Something clamps onto my throat and I can't speak, nodding instead. "Good. I'm so glad you're safe. Who knows what I would've done had I gotten here too late."

He pulls away to look me in the eyes. "You must remember, Es. We're at war. Water is a dangerous thing. You must never get too close. I do not wish to lose my little sister." I nod, pulling him into another hug, my grip tight around his chest while his is tight around my waist, water dripping from both of us.

(End of Memory; Kaldur's POV:)

I open my eyes and stare at this cryptic, mystifying, impassive, and ultimately traumatized girl lying unconscious in my arms. "So that's why she was screaming for James. She was calling out to her brother to save her." We all now understood why she is so terrified of water, and why she came unhinged during the Red Fiasco. This poor girl's been through a lot.

By now, we're entering the bay doors to the cave. I'm the first to stand once we land, Emma in my grasp as I think about this new information. I walk out of the ship, passing the alarmed Leaguers on my way to the medical bay. I gently set her down, ignoring the others that had followed me, and quickly untie Emma's cloak from around her so that she can sleep better. I then proceed to clean off some of the blood from where her injuries were, which seem to have completely closed, leaving only scars behind, and tears on her suit.

I then pull up a chair and sit next to her bedside, listening to the team as they explain what happened to the Leaguers. No doubt I'll have to tell them how Esmeralda was injured, but for now, I stare at her pale face, her hand in my clasped hands. Black Canary comes over and checks her over and I explain to her how Emma was attacked by a tiger. I told her what Emma told me, about them being a child of the gods.

Canary gave me a strange look as I told her all this, but I didn't care. I was too focused on this porcelain-skinned girl. The girl who somehow, despite the dispassionate, coldhearted mask she shows the world, despite her distant nature, has take and earned her rightful place among this team. This girl who has somehow, unknowingly, seized my very heart and soul, and who I find myself missing after each day when she's not by my side.

(A.N.: *Huge girlish squeal* Oh my god. I loved writing these two chapters. And the last part with Kaldur! AHHH!

*Back to normal* So, anyways. Now we know the backstory to one of Emma's greatest fears. Awesome! I hope you all enjoyed it, because I know I certainly enjoyed writing it. Bye! I love you all!)

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