Chapter 19 Part 4

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April watched Alex stumble a bit, hand pressed again his face, before the two started fighting. She turned her attention to Noah.

"Hey. Can you hear me?"

He blinked a bit, squinting in the rain. 

"Taking that as a yes. How are you feeling?"

Noah glanced over at her. She could hear his quick breathing as he pushed himself up with his good arm, still wincing nonetheless. "Like I got stabbed." He took a deep breath, trying to get his breath and heart rate back to a normal level. "And then died. And then got reincarnated. And then died again."

"Can you move your arm?"

He tried. "Hurts too much."


April glanced over at Alex and Cooper, who were still fighting. Noah followed her gaze.

"You really, really like him, don't you?" She grinned.

"Oh, shut up." 

She could see just the barest hint of a smile. That made her almost squeal with joy. Noah never really smiled, and hadn't really since her birthday. It was nice knowing that someone apart from her and Jason could make him smile so...genuinely. "Well, okay. If you insist." They watched Cooper land another hit to Alex's stomach. "I mean, he is beating someone up, but they have threatened to kill us all, so I don't care." Alex jumped backwards, just avoiding him now. He shouted to Ryan and Aki, each fighting on their own, and the three of them started to run for the castle. 

April saw the moonlight reflecting off of something metallic around the side of the castle and froze. It was moving, and quickly. The rain made it hard to see, but she recognized the howl.


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