Chapter 13 Part 1

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April was cross-legged on the couch, her legs tucked beneath her. Noah sat to her left, focusing on stitching up the long, deep cut on her arm. The shock and excitement had fade just a bit, enough for her to feel the pinch of the needle with every prick. 

It was strange, getting her memories back. was like they never left. They were always there, right below the surface. She just didn't know what they were or what to look for. And now that they were her, it was like they had never left. 

April looked over towards Noah, watching bite his lip as he worked, eyes narrowed in concentration. She couldn't put into words how happy she was to finally know just who this person was beyond the month of memories she had acquired. At the same time there was guilt in her heart. He had clearly been worried, right from the start, and she hadn't even known who he was. 

Noah spoke quietly. "What're you thinking about?" He looked up, a small smile playing on his face. 


"Aw, thanks." His gaze went back to her arm as he continued. "Anything specific?"

"Not really."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a bit longer. Noah finished the row of stitches, tying it off quickly. "So. Chrysie's in the castle."

April took a breath. "I'm worried. I just- what if they figure it out?"

"That you two are related, or their power?"

"Both." She rested her head on her hand as Noah wrapped bandages around the stitches. "And I don't know if it's good I gave them the Key of Thieves."

"Hey. Look at me." April glanced at Noah, seeing a determined look in his eyes. "It'll be okay. We'll get everyone out, safely, including Chrysie. We can fix this." He grinned. "Isn't that how we've always done it before?"

"Before, we weren't fugitives." She watched him finish wrapping her arm and tucking the bandage into itself so it stayed it place. "I don't think we can do it alone this time." She looked toward her scepter, which was leaning against the wall. 

Noah sighed and leaned back. "As usual, you're right."

She slid over a bit, letting her arm rest next to his. "Sometimes the sake of the world is more important than your pride."

He laughed. "Correct. Again."

April rested her head on his shoulder. "Now we just have to hope that we have what it takes."

"Three in a row. Damn, you are crushing this."

"Oh, shut up."

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