Chapter 2 Part 3

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April looked back and forth between the sceptre and Noah. "I feel like this thing is going to kill me if I touch it."

Noah raised an eyebrow. "If you were anyone else, it probably would."

"That doesn't help." She stood up and took a step back, eyeing it cautiously.

"Seriously, April, you can touch it and be fine. Trust me."

She moved her gaze from the sceptre to Noah. "I'll trust you if you tell me one thing."

He tilted his head and his smile widened a bit. "Shoot."

"How do I know you?" Noah looked confused. "Like, how did we meet? I just...have a feeling that I've known you for way longer than the other four."

His smile disappeared and he looked at April. She couldn't decide if it was pity, or sadness, or even regret in his eyes. Maybe a combination of the three.

Noah blinked and looked down. He hesitated before he whispered quietly, "We've been best friends for seven years now." He looked up to his left to glance at the castle. "...I...I should have...told you."

April heard the tone in his voice. "Hey, are you okay?"

His words caught in his throat, and he moved his vision back towards the ground. "I don't know." April placed a hand on his shoulder. "I want to be, but..." he stopped, searching for words. "Okay...let me put it this way." He paused again. "You and I have known each other for most of our lives. We've shared so many secrets, been together through so much, you've dealt with my bullshit for so long." He choked out a laugh before continuing. "And I'm supposed to protect you. That's my job. That's my purpose. That's my reason for being here. To protect you." He took a shaky breath. "And I couldn't even do that when it actually mattered. This is my fault."

April turned him so they were facing each other. "Hey. It's okay." He looked up and she saw the tears in his eyes. "You didn't fail me. You didn't fail yourself. It's okay." She put her other hand on his shoulder. "I'm right here. I'm fine. Everything will be fine." She pulled him into a hug. "This will work. I trust you, okay?" Her heart shattered as she heard him cry. She held him tighter. "I trust you."

He buried his face into her shoulder and tried to even out his breathing, focusing on April's words and attempting to calm himself down enough so that he stopped shaking. "...thanks."

"Hey, anything for my best friend." She let go and stepped back, kneeling next to the scepter again.

Noah let a small laugh escape and grinned. "Seven years now."

"Totally." She looked up at Noah. "So, what, I just grab the scepter and my memories will come back?"

"Fingers crossed."

"Alright." She reached out a hand and grabbed the scepter around the leather-bound wood and stood up. The orb started to glow faintly. "So I'm not dead."

"Thankfully. Any memories?"

April shook her head. "Nothing."

"Are you feeling okay?" Noah grew concerned. "You look a little pale."

She grimaced and tried to fight off the now growing headache, dropping the scepter. "I..." She stumbled forward, her legs giving out from under her. "It' cold..."

Noah darted forward caught her as she started to collapse. "April? April, can you hear me?" She closed her eyes, wincing, as Noah gasped. "Shit. SHIT. Not again. I'm not losing you again, please..." He watched all emotion vacate her face as he laid her on the ground. "No..." 

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