Chapter 17 Part 1

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They were running, one after the other, the rocks right next to them. Grass muffled their footsteps. Noah vaulted over a fence, landing as quietly as he could, Chrysie right behind him. They kept running.

"Hey!" They heard shouts and looked up, seeing a figure running alongside them on the balcony. "Over here!"

Noah recognized the silhouette of the sword on their back. "Cooper?"

"Yeah, it's me." He kept running. "Sorry I did that."

"As long as you're okay and not hurt, I'm fine with it."

Cooper jumped over the balcony, hit the ground and rolled, keeping his speed up and falling in line behind Chrysie. "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really." 

"Great." They stopped on the large semi-circle of polished stone. and Chrysie held up their hand again.

"Ten minutes." They heard footsteps coming from the opposite direction they came and watched Koko and Sophie creep in carefully, Ky trailing behind. Noah noted the black swirl on Sophie's cheek, determining that this must be the original. "Hey, guys."



"Hmm." Ky just hummed his acknowledgement. 

"So we're just waiting on the other three, now?"

"Looks like it. Could you guys not find Whitney and Donovan?"

"No. We barely made it out alive; Aki kicked in the door just as we jumped out the window.

"So he knows that someone's here?"

"Probably. He's also probably told Alex and Ryan by now."


"Shit indeed." Chrysie looked up. "So are we waiting or are we-"

"Noah!" He whipped his head around, recognizing the voice. "They know we're here! Run!"

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