Chapter 13 Part 2

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The two of them stood up at the same time and Noah began walking towards the door. April grabbed his wrist and spun him back around, keeping him from going anywhere. He raised an eyebrow.


"One more thing." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "How do you feel about Cooper?" She watched his face go from cool and collected to shocked. 

"How did you know?" he muttered, searching her face. She just grinned.

"First of all. How did I know what?" She winked, causing Noah to facepalm. "Second." she shook her head. "You have been staring at that boy, whether you know it or not, since the first day you met him."

He cut her off. "Shush. Not a word. To anyone. Okay?" April opened her mouth to argue but he held up a hand. "Please?"

She sighed, giving in. "Fine. But only if you promise not do that thing where you shove every ounce of emotion you have to the bottom of your soul." She let go and walked to the door. "And you do know you are gonna have to tell him sooner or later, right?"

He shook his head. "Later, preferably."

"That's that I thought. Come on." She pulled him out the door to where the rest of them had been discussing just exactly how they were going to break into the castle.

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