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They all turned behind, and exclaimed out  a bit scared, seeing the person.




"What happened?? Why are you people so scared seeing me??" Shubha asked walking towards them, confused.

Abhimanyu:"Nothing Ma"

Uttara:"Nothing aunty, we're fine"

Varun:"Yes aunty, we're perfectly fine"

"Are you discussing something which I shouldn't hear??" Shubha questioned.

"NO" Unintentionally, they four shouted at the same time.

"What happened to you all?? You people are behaving so weird" Shubha sounded curious as well as suspicious of the four's sudden change in behaviour, especially after seeing her.

They all mentally face palmed at their coordinated shout which ignited suspicion in Shubha.

"It's nothing Shubha, Karan was telling them a story" Vrushali came to their rescue.

Shubha:"Oh yeah, I heard something like one soul in two bodies. And, whose story it is??"

"Karan bhai...." Shubha glared at Karan as a sudden thought of him telling the kids about hers' came across her mind.

"Story of Shahjahan and Mumtaz" Vrushali spoke before anyone else could mess up the awkward situation they are already in.


"Come on Shubha, let him tell the story, I really need a hand in the kitchen" said Vrushali taking Shubha to the kitchen, while Karan passed her a thanking look.

"Just escaped" Varun sighed, seeing his mom taking away Shubha with her.

"Dear son, don't open your mouth in such a critical situation" Karan said sarcastically.

Before Varun could react to his father's sarcastic comment on him, his father continued, "It's God's grace that your mom helped us. If she didn't came at the right time, I don't know how will Shubha react when she gets to know about what I was about to do!!"

Abhimanyu, Uttara and Varun nodded understanding, while Karan walked towards his room.

Abhimanyu:"Uncle, where are you going?? Tell us the story!!"

"Which story??" Karan turned behind, confused.

"Story of my mom and dad" Abhimanyu said confused as well hearing Karan's question.

Karan smiled before speaking, "I was just joking, Abhi"

Uttara:"Joking?? But uncle---"

Karan:"Uttara, I just said that to calm him down, nothing else. And I have some works to do"

Varun:"But dad..."

Karan:"Varun, you go and watch TV, take them along, they're our guests"

They three nodded reluctantly, and settled down in front of the TV.

Karan went to his room, returned with his laptop and sat in the dining table near the kitchen. 


"Change the channel" Uttara spoke in a bored tone looking at Varun, who had the remote.

Varun shook his head.

Uttara:"Varun, I'm asking you politely. Please change the channel"

Varun:"Di, I want to watch this movie"

Parth Shubha - A Saga of Love and Sacrifice [ ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora